Stars by Luca

12 Jun, 2016 - 00:06 0 Views

The Sunday Mail

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You could start thinking that others are expecting too much from you and this could cause you to start stretching yourself beyond your limits, relax and slow down, you can actually achieve a lot more than you realise you can once you get going.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): With Mars entering your star you will be very conspicuous this week and the extra attention you are receiving could surprise you as you do not always realise just how much work colleagues as well as family and friends appreciate what you do.

LEO (July 23-Aug 22): This could be a bit of a catch-22 week for you. You hear positive news on money that should be coming your way, but do not get too excited just yet as there are still some unexpected delays cropping up. Jupiter puts new adventure into romance.

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22): The planet Jupiter is swinging the wheel of fortune in your direction this week and you are about to achieve much needed progress. You will quickly manage now to overcome those obstacles that have been causing you concern lately.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 23): As Mercury picks up momentum in your star you will find your own thinking process is also speeding up, which is just as well as there are some new opportunities coming your way that are going to require quick decisions and fast action.

SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 21): A close friend or family member is seeking your emotional support this week but they cannot bring themselves to asking you directly. Pay attention to the subtle hints they are dropping you and give them a shoulder to cry on.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Venus is enhancing your sensitive side this week and you find people are being far more responsive towards you. A work colleague you thought was particularly difficult shows their true nature and they become much nicer.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Now that you are feeling you have taken the right direction in your career and business ambitions you will be feeling a lot more passionate about what you can achieve and this is the perfect incentive to give your ideas full exposure.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): You will need to be more alert this week as you could find yourself putting your trust into someone who is likely to let you down badly. You cannot avoid trusting others but you can make sure that they are worthy of your trust first.

PISCES (Feb 19-March 20): Making a mistake should never be an excuse for giving up. You really cannot expect everything you do to work out perfectly the first time around, the mistakes you make help you to see more clearly how best to proceed when ready.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): The planet Pluto is shifting your emotions around this week and you could find your moods swinging from happiness to despair. Unfortunately you and those close to you will have to put up with your mood swings until they settle on Friday.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You seem to be so busy sorting out the needs of others this week that you run out of time to sort out your own issues. Being so helpful is a great attribute, provided you also realise that you need your own personal time and space yourself.

Your Birthday Year Ahead

Sunday: With Uranus moving through your star this will be a very fast paced year for you. You have already had your ideas and set out your plans so now is the time for taking action. With your creativity at its peak now is the time to get started on the projects you have always wanted to do, not necessarily those that earn money but also those you have a passion for.

Monday: Do not spend too much time worrying about the present, now is the time to look ahead, situations constantly change and you could miss a golden opportunity if you are too busy concentrating on the present instead of the future. With the Moon influencing your star you will be able to see ahead with greater clarity. Look and see what is beyond your horizon,

Tuesday: The conjoining of Mars and Uranus in your star indicates a year ahead of both action and changes. You cannot always control every situation so do not try! You can be assured that now there is no more danger and that you are safe. You can now relinquish control and simply go with the flow. The singles could be starting an exciting romantic adventure soon.

Wednesday: The Sun is showering good luck over you this year. This does not mean that you can just sit back and wait for fortune to come to you, life does not work that way, you have got to get out and about and look at the opportunities around you, and once you have decided on which one to pursue and go after it luck will step in to ensure that it will go your way.

Thursday: With the influence of Saturn in your star you will be looking at a variety of new ideas and options. While you must be flexible you have got to choose your priorities so you have got a clear picture of the direction you will be going in. You can always change direction later on if you feel a better idea is coming up. Family and travel link up this year.

Friday: You may have made a few errors of judgement in the past but that does not mean you have failed at something and must just give up the idea. On the contrary, the idea was good, and the error should be considered as a valuable lesson so by getting yourself back on track you can again pick up on that idea and put it into action knowing that it will work this time.

Saturday: While the planet Venus controls your emotions this is not restricted just to romance and family. A happy heart allows you to not only enjoy your work but also gives you the incentive to push yourself even harder. On the emotional side the happiness you will be feeling for the year includes your interaction with friends as well as family and loved ones.

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