Online Reporter
FISH farming and aquaculture training can benefit retirees by cushioning them against low pension payouts.
Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution in Harare Metropolitan Province Charles Tavengwa made these remarks, while officially launching the Presidential Fish4Pensioners in Harare on Tuesday.
“Government recognises the importance of taking on board the needs of pensioners in socio-economic growth, in line with His Excellency President Mnangagwa’s Vision 2030, and the mantra ‘leaving no one and no place behind’.
“Pensioners, the majority of whom are former civil servants and war veterans, are among the most marginalised and vulnerable members of society, who require social security and access to income-generating projects like the production of fish,” said Minister Tavengwa.
Fish farming, he said, requires less capital and labour, making it ideal for retirees.
“This project requires very little space for the construction of a fish pond. It can be developed and implemented both in urban and rural areas.
“It requires a small amount of capital to implement. It is very simple to construct. Fingerlings are readily available at affordable cost from Government institutions being run by the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, and other reputable suppliers like Lake harvest. There is a ready market for fish,” he said.
Zimbabwe Pensioners Welfare Trust for Economic Development (ZPWT4ED) board chairperson Mr Ray Chagonda said retirees can contribute to the national economy from their homes.
“It is a backward notion that pensioners remain idle back home.
“As senior citizens we still have what it takes to contribute to the economic development of this country,” said Mr Chagonda.
The programme saw 32 pensioners from Harare province graduating in the Aquaculture Production Course, following a three-day training at Henderson Research Institute in Mazowe.
Under the Presidential Fish4Pensioners, the Fisheries and Aquaculture Resources Department is targeting to train at least 2000 pensioners during the first half of the year.