The Sunday Mail

Mudzimba with Mai Chisamba: UNFORTUNATE IN LOVE

Mai Chisamba

Please note that the Mai Chisamba Show is now screened at 1900hrs every Sunday on ZBC TV.


Mai Chisamba thank you very much for your column and thank you for dealing with real life issues. I am a young woman and I just turned 36. Everyone has a nick name for me just because I am not married. Some family members have been quite mean to me. Angowana mukana ndave kungoitirwa match-making nevamwe vekuti kana ndikatarisa ndinochema kana kuseka. I have been very unfortunate in love and I don’t want to talk about it because pese pandaiita break-up it was not my fault. Some accuse me of being too selective when it comes to who I date but Mai Chisamba ungangonhongawo here kungoti chero ndaroorwa. What is marriage about? I am educated, I mean degreed and I am a career woman. Nenyaya yekungonzi wese auya kumba, ko iwe uchaenda rinhi? I now have my own place, ndakabva kumba although my parents were not very keen about this asiwo dzimwe nguva ndaiona kushushikana kwavo nenyaya yangu. Imwe shamwari yangu inongoti ukaenda kumapostori unoshandirwa ukaroorwa, ndiwo here maroorerwe anoita vanhu zvekutanga washandirwa?

I don’t understand this panic yevanhu. Vamwe vakaroorwa vari kutamba nhamo wani. Please help, pane zviri wrong neni here zvandisingaone?


Thank you for reading our column. In my opinion I think you are quite a normal woman and you have achieved your goals in terms of education and career.

Marriages are made from heaven, hadziuye nekushandirwa kumasangano akasiyana-siyana. Wanano haisi yekuti ndasarira, haisi yekuzvipotsera, inoda rudo rwechokwadi. I always say marriage is a life-time commitment and it should always be built on true love.

Yes apo neapo vanotarira biological clock vangati zvinoda kuti kana wapiwa chipo chemwana ubatsirwe usati wava nemakore akawanda. Ichokwadi but God is far above science. Ukasangana nemunhu wawakatsidzirwa zvinoita zvega.

Usazvidye moyo, to everything there is a season. Family members should be the last to call you names because it’s just not fair and they have no right to put pressure on you or your parents. Uri kubvunza kuti what is marriage about, mubvunzo wakanaka. Vakawanda havanyatsonzwisisa, marriage is about true companionship. It’s unfortunate that at times people marry for wrong reasons, ndidzo wanano dziye dzisina mufaro dzinopedzisira dzawondomoka. My advice is pray so that ma pressures aya haakutambudze, there is power in prayer. Don’t worry every dog has its day. Kana nguva yako yakwana Musiki anokupa zvishuwo zvemoyo wako.


Mai Chisamba makadii. Iniwo ndinofadzwa nekutevedza tsamba dzenyu muSunday Mail, thank you so much for this column. The Bible says vanhu vangu vanoparara nekushaya zivo and this is what is happening today in the world. I am a married woman, mother of six lovely daughters but kwangu kumba zvashaya basa. Murume wangu akutoda kundiramba pamusana pekuzvara vasikana chete.

Mai Chisamba it hurts me so much because he does not even show love to his kids. Even vemhuri yake vanongonditi matiuraira rudzi, my mother in-law indiyo mhesva mukono chaiyo. Ndakaitiswa zvakawanda zvandisingadairi in the name of kutsvaga mwana mukomana. Murume wangu yave shasha munyaya dzema small house izvozvi kune vana vakomana vaviri from two different women and anotoshaina nazvo. Zvaita kuti ndikunyorerei ndezvekuti dzimwe hama dzakutoenda kune vana vaye, I have seen some photos and it breaks my heart. My marriage is now on the rocks and I have become so unpopular mufunge. Should I call it quits and file for divorce or ndoramba ndichizvara pamwe ndozoitawo chikomana. I hardly spend quality time with my husband any longer. Tine muchato Chapter 5.11 mufunge. Vana vangu vatamba hunherera ivo baba vavo vari vapenyu just because they are girls. People jostle kuitira vana vari kunze mabirthday, aiwa aiwa ndibatsirewo I am so confused.


Thank you so much for writing in. My dear sister you should be celebrating the gift of children that God gave you, six beautiful and innocent girls. You are a parent in your own right, play your part and do the best for them.

Usatambura ari kuita kuti muzvare vasikana chete murume wako, mumbeu yababa ndimo mune machromosomes XY, mai vane X chete. Saka baba vakapa X ivo mai vagara vaine X mwana anobuda ari musikana, baba ndivo vanotoshandura nyoka, vakapa Y panobuda mwana mukomana nekuti kumbeu kunenge kwane XY. Izvi baba havaite nehumhizha hwavo kana ruzivo rwavo marongero aMwari chete. It’s so sad that people pick fights and consider divorce because of the sex of a child.

Marriage is about companionship, vana tinozovawedzerwa sezvipo, hazvisirizvo zvinoroorerana vanhu. It’s also very unfortunate that every other week we receive a letter inotochema chema pamusoro pavana vamwene kana varoora, ladies what’s happening, you are supposed to support each other.

I advise you and your husband to take the two sons who were born out of wedlock for DNA tests so that he proves if they are his children, vanogona kukwidza ndege yemashanga mahara ivo vasiri vana vake. For you berekai vana vamunogona kuriritira kwete kuti muri kutsvaga mukomana.

Vana vose vakakosha nenzira yavo. Did you know kuti you can sue those women for adultery, imhosva kudanana nemunhu akachata pa5.11, the former chapter 37. As for your mother-in-law I think she has crossed the line vanoda kutaurwa navo nana chipanga mazano kana vehukama hwavo.