The Sunday Mail


By Luca
ARIES (March 21 to April 19): Today’s new Moon is good news for those starting new projects or ventures this week. Whether it’s a new job, a new business venture or something on the romantic front, success will soon follow your endeavours every step of the way.

TAURUS (April 20 to May 20): As Saturn enters your star, you’re about to create something new and exciting. Don’t ignore any flashes of inspiration you’ll get by dismissing them as just your imagination; remember it is your imagination that will create inspiration!

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20): You must be prepared to speak your mind this week, even if you risk hurting someone’s feelings. You cannot just sit by silently when you know that something is not being done correctly or to your expectations. The Moon highlights romance.

CANCER (June 21 to July 22): The conjoining of Mars with Uranus will be putting your stamina to the test, new growth at work and in business is going to require longer hours at work this week. You’ve got the ability to endure but must take time to rest when you need to.

LEO (July 23 to August 22): Pluto is leading you into some rather chaotic situations this week, but as you surmount every hurdle thrown your way you find you actually rather enjoy the challenge found in turning chaos back into order. Travel is likely to be for business plans.

VIRGO (August 23 to September 22): The prospect of a new career opportunity certainly gets your interest, but at the same time you’ve got to consider all your options, a move will put you onto a higher step, but could your present position not also allow for future growth?

LIBRA (September 23 to October 23): You seem to be spending money quicker then it’s coming in this week and you’d better set out a carefully thought out budget by using common sense over your financial situation, if you ignore the warning signs you could get lost quickly.

SCORPIO (October 24 to November 21): With the planet Venus entering your star your focus will be on family matters this week especially as there seems to be a steady flow of good tidings coming from all members. This flow of good news will also extend to your love.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21): While the conjoining of Venus with the Moon is always a good omen this is especially true this week with the dawning of the new Moon. There is a victorious triumph about to take place, whatever it may be, in your life.

CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19): The planet Mercury is not being very kind to your romantic life this week and chaos and uncertainty seem to be the order of the week. Don’t jump to conclusions, give your partner the benefit of the doubt and use compassion.

AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18): As Mars clashes with Saturn in your star this week you could find yourself starting to doubt your abilities which in turn could cause you to back away from new opportunities. Keep pushing yourself so as not to lose your confidence.

PISCES (February 19 to March 20): As the Sun teams up with the Moon in your star a golden aura will surround you. You know what you want and you know just how to get it. Others will be drawn to you by the magnetic aura around you leading to stronger interaction.

Your Birthday Year Ahead
Sunday: Your birthday coincides with the arrival of the Grass Moon, this Moon is known for increasing your communication with others to gain the best advantage for yourself whether in business or in romance. Opportunities are all around you this year; to know which ones would be most suitable, simply follow your passion. Wear green when on a romantic date.

Monday: The message related to having Mercury in your star for the next twelve months is simply “do it”! This could relate to a career change or starting a business, it would also relate to making a firm commitment to a romantic relationship. If it is something you want, then you must go for it, whatever the “it” may be.

Tuesday: Let go of the illusion that you’re somehow a victim. Know that you always have a choice in any situation and you can then shift into experiencing greater control over your life. You’re being influenced by the Moon over the next twelve months, the Moon does affect emotions, but the positive or negative effect depends on how determined you are to succeed.

Wednesday: You are the most important person in your life, honour the truth of who you are – not what you think everyone else will approve of. When you honour yourself and acknowledge your strengths you’ll know which path is right for you, when you respect yourself others will respect you even more. The Sun enters your star to enhance happiness.

Thursday: Neptune is bringing in the winds of change and you’re going to need to be adaptable. You’ve got to first adjust to the circumstances at hand, then you can generate creative solutions or ideas and act on them. You’ve got to be hands on this year and couple your intelligence with your instincts so that you can always follow the best course of action.

Friday: With Venus entering your star you’re being put on notice to relax those “protective barriers” you’ve built around you. As the barriers fall you are left open to love, both giving and receiving, especially to those you’re closest to. Don’t hold back over a fear they may not love you back, be outrageous in expressing your affection for those you love and desire.

Saturday: When Saturn enters your star today it will feel as if a great weight of uncertainty and insecurity has been lifted from your shoulders as your gut instincts kick in and you know now exactly what it is your after and how you can pursue your dreams and goals. You know in your heart of hearts what your destiny is and you know exactly what you now need to do.