The Sunday Mail

Solving the stressful weight gain maze

Tatenda Musonza Body Makeover
Managing your weight is not a walk in the park, to anyone struggling to lose weight (and to keep it off), gain muscle or get a leaner frame, the idea that discipline alone should get you results is not entirely true.If I could define weight loss in one word I would explain it as balance.

Fat loss varies tremendously between individuals and depends on a number of variables. I also used to think all you had to do was cut calories and exercise more but I have trained people who have tried this with no results.

I had a joke the other day with a friend who quipped that some people were “weight loss resistant.” I have also observed people who exercise regularly, eat well, take their supplements, but can’t lose weight. It can be frustrating to exercise and diet then not lose.

It is important to understand that our behaviour around eating and exercising is not always something we can control or do consciously. Many people find themselves eating mindlessly with little awareness of hunger. A few Marie biscuits often turns into the entire pack.

Some people get so caught up trying to manage a busy day that they forget to eat altogether. Strange isn’t it, that some can’t stop eating while others can actually forget to eat? When all the major body systems are in balance, we not only feel good, but our adrenal glands are able to protect us, our hormones relay their messages smoothly, our digestive system can adequately nourish us, and we can efficiently get rid of or “detoxify” the things we don’t need. All of our systems depend on one another and if one is out of balance, the others can suffer, making weight loss a miserable uphill task. There is more to weight loss than simply not eating. I hope this list will prove helpful:

1. Know your emotional state of being; anxiety, depression or stress reverses your fortunes on weight loss, you get all sorts of food cravings and end up binging. Hormones are usually out of control during times of stress and depression, the body goes into fat storage mode.
When your hormones are out of control you become a slave to eating. No matter how much you exercise the body won’t let go of fat, it would rather part with muscle and water.

2. Know how much body fat you carry, this is an important indicator on whether you are making progress.

3. Know your blood type to stay away from foods that fatten you and foods that drain your energy.

4. You should know your body type to spot the areas your body stores fat the most and get an exercise plan that can change your physique.

5. Hydrate adequately; water is important when wanting to change your weight, drink it!

6. Research shows that people metabolise fat differently; some can eat a lot of food and never gain a gram, and others barely eat and gain a kilo or more.

7. Regardless of your genetic make-up, there are many dietary and lifestyle choices that can increase your ability to lose weight and keep it off. Increasing protein intake at every meal helps support metabolism and satisfy cravings.

Here are some possible reasons you could be caught up in the weight gain cycle: Hormonal imbalance (including thyroid dysfunction); Chronic stress; A poor digestive system (digestive imbalance); Body inflammation; Poor detoxification; Sleep deprivation, sleep helps regulate our hunger mechanism; a very important part of weight loss; Dehydration.

The best way to overcome the weight gain maze is to strive to eat natural foods and avoid processed foods which mess around with your taste buds and leave you with a huge appetite for unhealthy foods. Avoid food ingredients used as food preservative that are known to increase appetite; they are found in potato chips, corn, tortilla chips and crackers.

Eat vegetables and fruit, emphasise on plant-based proteins like nuts and legumes, use whole grains in moderation rather than refined white flours and sugars, and select high-quality meat and fish. Sound nutrition combined with regular exercise automatically keeps our body weight at a healthy point: Your metabolism is kept efficient and regulates energy accordingly.

Exercise Plan

Regular and brisk walking can improve your mood, stamina, energy, help control weight and reduce stress.

Monday to Saturday

This is week 7 of your weight watching efforts, walk uphill and downhill 30 to 45 minutes. Walking hills will help develop both the aerobic fitness and your leg muscles which is your body’s largest muscle group. A hill walk is a hard workout of its own, so it shouldn’t be done fast. Go just as fast as you are able to maintain without stopping to catch your breath. Start with 15 to 20 minutes of hill walks, after a warm-up stretch your legs and arms.

Sunday: Rest and spoil yourself with a naughty meal.

Tatenda Musonza is a personal trainer and runs a body makeover course, he can be reached on