The Sunday Mail

Reduce the Appearance of Cellulite

Serena Williams US Tennis Athlete (Photo: Nike)

Body Makeover – ‘Cellulite No Big Deal’
Cellulite is a nightmare for most women; while some men have cellulite it is a bigger worry for women of all ages.

From the onset let me make it clear that you CANNOT get rid of cellulite with creams, lotions, liposuction, pills, medi-spa treatments, vibrating sponges. Stop using them.
The fact of the matter is there is no real difference between cellulite fat, and regular fat. Cellulite is actually caused by muscular atrophy, a condition that occurs when the layer of muscle becomes weak and undefined, and separates from the skin, making the unattractive fatty deposits visible.

The major step to fight cellulite is to look beyond your skin and deal with the muscles underneath the skin. The good part is that there is a way to reverse muscular atrophy, and banish annoying cellulite completely.

Do not get depressed over your unsightly cellulite, it is a very common problem which can be tackled. If you have tried losing weight to beat cellulite, you have already discovered it does not work. When it comes to cellulite size does not count, you could be a light frame but still find it a challenge.

To get rid of cellulite,

Exercise to strengthen your cellulite trouble zone muscles which include arms, abs, hips, thighs and glutes (Buttocks) through body weight exercises and lifting weights.

More importantly, aim to improve your body’s blood flow; loose fitting clothes promote good circulation which is essential in how to get rid of cellulite; tight clothes work against you. Seducers beware.

If your pants or undergarments leave deep marks in your skin at the end of the day, this can be a sign that blood flow is impaired in those areas.

By sitting at your desk all day you risk of suffering from cellulite because sitting prevents sufficient blood flow to the bottom and thighs. Stand up and walk around.

During exercise light movements will toughen and firm your muscles in the cellulite areas; you tone and shape the muscle layers, pushing them towards the skin and getting rid of the dimpled appearance. Exercise such squats and donkey kicks will destroy cellulite all over the body the more you do them.

Next thing is to control your eating. Cellulite can be significantly reduced by rebalancing the body’s system by eating certain foods.
This will allow the body to detoxify itself more efficiently, help break down these fatty deposits and prevent them developing again.
The build-up of toxins in the body can also be an important contributor to making cellulite.

Cellulite is a sign that your body is polluted, a build-up of fatty, toxic and water deposits in your skin.
When you processed foods, refined sugars and salts, processed starches, cooked animal proteins, chemicals, pesticides and preservatives all that junk must go somewhere. You have to reduce the body‘s acidity through eating clean, alkaline, unprocessed diet combinations.

Simply by eating correctly you could soon have smoother, sleeker thighs – and save yourself a fortune on dubious cellulite creams and phony lotions.

Foods to eat:

Sweet peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, parsley and citrus fruits are all excellent cellulite fighters as they contain bio-flavonoid, which help strengthen capillaries and so prevent cellulite.

Chicken backs, beef knuckles, ham hocks, chicken feet, lamb necks, hooves and any other animal-derived matrices of calcium phosphate and collagen fibres are all good to beat cellulite.

Foods to avoid:
Salt: Too much salt upsets the body’s regulation of fluids. Drinking water helps your body to flush out toxins. But too much salt makes your body retain the water you consume and therefore toxins.

Don’t combine concentrated fats or carbohydrates, such as white bread and pasta, with concentrated protein, such as chicken or fish, at the same meal this can slow down the digestion of protein and cause a build-up of wastes in the body and therefore increasing cellulite.

Exercise Plan

Try finding a walking partner. It really help keep you accountable.

Monday to Friday
Add your partner‘s body weight to your own weight divide by 2, this will give you the total time you should walk in a day. If it’s more than an hour, walk the remaining time after work.

Saturday and Sunday
Brisk walk 30mins and Rest

Tatenda Musonza runs a body makeover course and can be reached on