The Sunday Mail

Men are created to be great husbands

Life Issues with FGK
WAKING up next to a kind husband makes the world perfect for every woman, as one forgets about every adversity that might await them.

The husband fine-tunes your mood and defines your happiness.

He must be able to make you feel at ease even in the face of imminent life challenges.

His reliable shoulder and courage make even the most difficult situation appear simple.

At times when things go south, he avoids telling his better half for fear of transferring part of the pressure to her.

New era ideologies envisage a marriage as a fifty-fifty proposition.

However, inasmuch as we might agree that men and women are equal, it can never be the same in a marriage setup.

A woman needs a husband to be a wife.

They both have different roles.

What makes the man a husband, and superior, is his ability to bear pressure more than any other family member.

Life for a married couple is shared, but financial burdens are often tackled by the man.

Thus, there is need to appreciate men who have been great husbands.

Life choices made by men determine the type of husbands they will be.

Some simply decide to explore earthly pleasures like club hopping, and these often fail to meet expected obligations back home.

The considerate lot spends most of their time working for their families, investing in their future and making sure their children get the best education.

Some even spend quality time with their families despite tight work schedules.

A good father is usually a great husband.

An affair is never an option in his mind even though there is temptation daily.

Likewise, he never considers divorce although sometimes his partner might be a prick.

Sometimes all that he needs from you is just recognition that he has been doing a good job.

Coming back home safely is something he celebrates every day.

It is not easy for a man to leave his mother’s house and commit to his wife — that needs to be acknowledged and celebrated.

His mother raised him all these years and is good to him.

She always made his favourite food right on time and made sure everything was well taken care of.

When you see him ready to leave all that, it is a signal of total commitment.

He has made sacrifices to accept the difference you might have in choices because he understands that is what makes a woman.

The fact that it is very hard to understand femininity makes him unbothered when you tickle his temper.

Men are just created to be great husbands.

They make sure they meet every demand and need that is put forward by the family no matter how hard-pressed they might be with more important issues.

The greatness of a husband is not in how often he tells you he loves you, or the number of chocolates and expensive perfumes he buys.

A great husband is defined by the way he respects his wife and family.

And little things like asking for a wife’s opinion matter a lot in creating a strong bond. And please note: most men are naturally not as talkative as women and prefer actions to words.

When he listens to you talk, and when you engage him in lengthy discussions and he does not ignore you, then he is a great husband.

He is fighting for the progress of his family.

He replaced his youthful dreams, even foregoing getting the Ferrari he coveted, to embark on life projects and mature passions with you.

He is indeed a great husband.

This is also what God meant it to be right from the beginning.

Man is expected to love and cherish his wife, he is expected to fend for her and the children, and he is expected to protect them.

The wife and children should feel secure and happy under a man’s protection.

Should a man not be doing all these things, it means they have lost their relevance.

Men are called to love, care, provide for and protect their own family before caring for anyone else.

Congratulations to every man doing good to his wife and family.

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