The Sunday Mail

GARDENING: Enjoy growing various plants indoors!

Andrew Mangwarara
MANY people enjoy nature and are not content leaving it outside, they prefer bringing some of it inside their homes but unfortunately not many homes have adequate lighting for such purposes.
However, there are a few plant species that will do well with low light levels. This week, we will look at some of the indoor plants that you can grow in your house.
The aspidistra elatior, which is commonly called the cast iron plant from China, is as strong as iron. It tops the group of plants that will do well with little light. This plant thrives with minimum care and has been widely used in many dark corners in the home. In fact, what it cannot tolerate is direct sunlight. The iron plant is a slow growing plant that thrives even in a cold setup.
Divide the plants to propagate it. You can also grow this plant in full shade outside and it will reward you with lush green leaves.
Another group of plants that fascinates me are the bromeliads. These are in the same family as the pineapple plant. This group of plants can store water in a hole created by the coming together of the leaf bases. lt is important to add water in that urn regularly. Its leaves come in different shapes and colours. It is naturally found on tree branches because its root system is well developed for attaching. Bromeliads produce interesting attractive inflorescences, which will intrigue you on your veranda or patio. Grow your bromeliad in a well drained potting mix.
The dieffenbachia maculata, or the dumb cane is an easy indoor subject that grows with minimum care. Like the delicious monster, it has calcium oxalate crystals in its poisonous sap.
If you have small children, avoid this plant. However, many of its varieties have very gorgeous colourful leaves. Over-watering the plant if it is in a poorly drained pot will cause its demise. Propagate by dividing bushy plants or take stem cuttings 5cm long then plant these in river sand by laying them on their side, covering lightly.
The peace lily from Colombia is certainly one of the most attractive indoor plants. It produces white papery blooms that lasts for a while. When one dies, a new bloom replaces it. The leaves are shiny and equally attractive. The spathiphyllum wallisii can be propagated by dividing the rhizomes. It responds well to feeding and produces glossy, lively leaves. This plant prefers a warm area.
Then there is the sweet heart plant or philodendron scandens that can climb to over a metre on support. They are very easy to grow popular indoor climbers. The sweet heart plants are in the same league with the money maker, the scindapsus aureus. They have heart shaped leaves which are an excellent display if they are grown it in a pot with a round wire mesh support. The stem tip cuttings form roots easily. The sweet heart plant can be propagated in a medium of water, just like the moneymaker.
Bring nature inside and make your indoors come alive by growing some of these plants. Happy gardening
