The Sunday Mail

Cleaning your airspace with plants

Andrew Mangwarara
Modern life has brought with it a number of air pollutants that can do harm to our bodies – talk of car exhaust emissions, industrial waste gases and the like.
The particulate matter finds its way into our homes and office spaces: The more the reason we need effective air purifiers that do the job when we are busy with other tasks.
There are a number of plants that have been found to have these marvelous properties chief among them is sanseviera trifasciata, referred to as “the mother-in-law’s tongue”.
According to a research carried out over 25 years, sanseviera can absorb more than 100 air pollutants, among them carbon monoxide and nitrogen monoxide. Indeed it tops the list among the plants that have this ability.
To top that up it has what is termed crasulacean acid metabolism, making it able to release oxygen into the air at night unlike other plants which consume it at that time. This makes sansevieras one of the best plants to have in your house compared to other indoors.
It will absorb harmful gases and give you oxygen whilst you sleep. If you stay near a major highway consider having the snake plant in your home.
It is a very common plant with its origins in West Africa. A plant of the Liliaceae family with erect leaves which have been known to reach one metre in height. It has silvery or dark green horizontal stripes on its leaves and the leaves have a distinct yellow margin. Though stem-less the erect leaves offer good contrast when the plant is used in a mixed border or pot. It can command its own space when planted in a round pot placed either indoors or outdoors.
This is a succulent which requires a full sun position. If placed in a shady spot the variegated leaves will fade to all green, so position it where it will receive enough sun.
Other plants that can purify your atmosphere are chrysalidocarpus lutescens, dracaena deremensis, ficus benjamina, ficus elastica, hedera helix, spathiphyllum wallisi, and scindapsus aureus.
The golden cane palm (chrysalidocarpus) is a beautiful palm, which requires a well lit position in your house, growing up to a height of 9m in nature. It is particularly elegant in an open foyer such as a hotel or reception.
Most dracaena species make excellent indoor specimens and rightly so must be included in your selection of air purifying subjects. Some are variegated with white and green or yellow and green leaves, whilst dracaena fragrans is plain green.
It is fairly easy to grow rooting well from stem cuttings which are planted in river sand. The ficus species are hardy specimens for your indoor setup but, however, can easily succumb to scale attack so must be sprayed regularly with systemic insecticides. Avoid sudden temperature changes and over watering.
Whilst hedera helix is a climber, it is a hardy one at that. It will need support and bright light, succeeding well under tree canopy.
The peace lily (spathiphyllum) is a favourite for many because of the white bracts it produces often, even indoors.
And finally the money maker climber (scindapsus) is a good indoor subject able to outlive many indoor plants, requiring minimum care. Incorporate these plants in your house for cleaner and healthier air.