The Sunday Mail

BRIDAL: Tips on planning guest menu

A WEDDING is never complete without a feast.

Families and friends of the bride and groom celebrate with a feast after the ceremony, which is why the selection of the menu at a wedding is very important. The food can make or break the overall experience for your guests and as our custom dictates, one must be generous on the amount of food.

When selecting your caterer and planning the food budget, take note of some of these handy tips.

Guidelines in choosing the menu

Less is more. Choose the essentials in terms of variety. It is important to include two starches, vegetable, three proteins, fresh salad and a dessert. Giving too many options on the menu can confuse guests and may result in food being wasted. There is no need to bring out fancy expensive food; your guests might be too full to try out everything.

Coordinate with the theme of the wedding. The theme of the wedding should tie together with the cuisine you choose for your wedding menu from the starters, main menu and the dessert.

Consider culture and common allergens. The cultures of your guests should also be taken note of, for example, serving pork means you have to find an alternative meat for those who cannot take it due to allergies or religious beliefs. You need to inform guests on common allergens like nuts if there are any in the food.

When serving ‘sadza’ – Sadza is almost always included on any menu on Zimbabwean weddings since it is a staple food. Make sure that the caterer is able to serve the sadza while hot and moist. A useful catering method is putting portions in cling-wrap to retain shape and heat of the servings.

Drinks and beverages. Whether you decide to have a cash bar or to give guests beverages, there has to be a choice for alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Take into account guests that have to take sugar-free drinks as well.

Finally when selecting your caterer, make sure you have tasted the quality of their food first. Ensure you get recommendations on caterers from venue managers and other previous customers on their hygiene, punctuality and food safety precautions.

Ask about how they ensure food is served warm and remains warm at the venue of your wedding and agreement on the serving dishes, glassware and cutlery have to be made clear before choosing your caterer.

If correctly planned, wedding guests will remember your wedding feast and talk about it for many years to come.