The Sunday Mail

Zim marks International Condom Day

Zimbabwe has joined the world in commemorating International Condom Day at a time the country is witnessing a reduction in the HIV and Aids prevalence rate.

The declining rate from about 29 percent at the turn of the new millennium to about 14 percent now has been a result of Government interventions such as provision of antiretrovirals and promotion of condom use.

Celebrating the achievements in Caledonia, a settlement East of Harare, AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) Zimbabwe country programs manager, Dr Enerst Chikwati said International Condom Day is aimed at promoting consistent and correct condom use.

“Condoms are under attack in the realm of global public health with governments and international agencies slashing funds,” he said.

“In the fight against HIV, condoms have always been there.

“They remain an important component in a comprehensive and sustainable approach to the prevention of HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies.”

International Condom Day is observed in conjunction with Valentine’s Day.

During the event, which ran under the theme ‘Condoms are always in fashion’, there was free condom distribution and HIV testing.

Those who attended were entertained through dancing and theatrical plays.