The Sunday Mail

Words create greatness

Hunt for Greatness
Milton Kamwendo

Words are powerful and they are living and impactful things.

Words are powerful. Do not use them carelessly because they are living things charged with creative potential. They have a mental, spiritual, emotional, and physically lasting effect. Mark Twain once remarked: “A powerful agent is a right word. Whenever we come upon one of those intensely right words the resulting effect is physical as well as spiritual and electrically prompt.”

Words are powerful and you do not afford the luxury of a negative word and the toxicity of repeating negative and bitter words. Until your words change you life will not change. Until the content and intensity of your thinking changes, very little will change. Until you change what you are telling yourself, the story of your life will also not change. The words that you habitually use affect how you communicate with yourself and therefore what you experience. Greatness is in your head, your heart and your mouth.

Dr Masaru Emoto was born in 1943 in Yokohama, Japan and died in 2014. He was internationally renown as a researcher, author, scientist, and businessman. Dr Emoto hypothesised that water took more beautiful, aesthetically pleasing crystallised forms when exposed to the positive messages and thoughts of hope, love and compassion. Similarly that molecules of water in the presence of negative intentions and words became disfigured and ugly.

Dr. Emoto’s controversial experiments involved labelling bottles of water with positive messages like love, hope, peace, and gratitude and others with negative messages such as evil, fear, and disgust. He observed that molecules of the water with the positive messages formed into perfectly structured shapes like bright diamonds when frozen and photographed with a high-speed microscopic camera. The water molecules subjected to negative thoughts and words turned yellow and became disconnected and distorted.

Emoto concluded that the vibrations of certain words and their intentions can have a transformative effect on the molecular structure of water. What is true to water is true to your life. Dr. Emoto stated: “Water is the mirror that can show us what we cannot see. It is the blueprint for our reality, which can change with a single, positive thought. All it takes is faith if you’re open to it.” Your life is shaped by the intentions you hold, decisions that you make and the words that you use. Seemingly simple words have a profound effect on your life. As you speak, so will you become.

Words are power tools and to abuse them is to be careless and thoughtless. To change your life’s path and way, change the words you use consistently.

What you tell yourself is a telling and accurate prophecy. Speaking to yourself is not an idle business that you leave to chance if you desire greatness. It has to be intentional, deliberate, projected and focused. Be always alert to banish any stray or toxic thoughts and words.

Accept the challenge to live at a higher plane by telling yourself that you will and you can do great things.

The voice in your head could be a friend or vice to you depending on the content of how you control that voice. Whatever you tell yourself has the loudest effect in your life. Destroy yourself by telling yourself negative horror stories.

To charge forward and change your life, change what you tell yourself. Turn that voice within from automatic to manual positive and affirming mode.

Hold the switch and deliberately speak to yourself in ways that are empowering, encouraging and affirming. Keep speaking positively and intentionally regardless of how you feel and the leanings of your emotions.   Keep speaking the right words until you believe them and you face where you want to go. Plant your feet firmly on the greatness trajectory through the words that you speak. Make daily space for a personal affirmation moment, just like you would do with an antibiotic course: “three affirmations taken three times daily, with lots of water.”

Wake up every day and take a few minutes to positively speak to yourself and shape the day. That will do you a lot of good eventually. If you find concentrating difficult write out the words that reflect where want to going and the person you desire to be.

Write these out like you have already become that which you desire. Then tell yourself that narrative daily. These short positive statements of your greatness are called “affirmations”.

During the day speak these words to yourself passionately. It is noble work that requires effort and you are programming yourself for ultimate success. Do not just fast food, fast negative and toxic words and thoughts.  Words are powerful tools. Used right they will charge you forward and change you ultimately.

Used wrongly, words are toxic pollutants that spoil many good things. Do not allow someone; anyone to pollute you with their toxic words, poisonous analysis, bitter emotions, lethal thoughts, noxious negativity and harsh cynical tonality.

Exit all groups, conversations and fellowships that leave you drained, disoriented, disconnected, distraught, disheartened and distressed. Feed on words that fuel your energy, passion and vision for greatness. Refuse to let other people dump their toxic waste-words into your mental and word-stream; spoiling your thinking and breaking your focus.

Take Mahatma Ghandhi’s advice to heart: do not allow anyone to walk through your mind with their dirty feet.

Words are real code that rents space in your brain. Toxic whispered words, negative wounding words, and unhealthy stinking thinking introduce malware and toxicity into your brain and confuse the wiring in there.

You do not have the luxury of accommodating toxicity in your brain or your lips. Be careful of both the speech patterns and content of the words you pick, adopt and use. Practice smart-thinking and empowering speech.

If you talk to yourself like a mindless fool, you will reap the whirlwind.

What others tell you is not as important as what you tell yourself. That small still voice within you does a lot more than all the noise around you. Let the whole world shout out as loud as it dares.

The most important thing is what you tell yourself. Let the whole world believe what it cares, the most important thing is what you believe and fuel into being.

When everyone is doubting tell yourself that you can. Use the eye of your mind to see your greatness, use the throb of your heart to believe in greatness, and use the sound bites of your lips and clicks to shape your narrative and life’s course. As you think so you are and as you speak so you become.

Tell yourself: ‘I can’

Say it often enough and in time you will feel it. Nothing pulls and tags you down more than feeling that you are unable and doubting you capability. Feeling a sense of doubt happens natural. It is when you feel this sense of inadequacy that you should shout out loud: “I can! I can, I can and I will”

When you feel a tinge of doubt; When the day is rough and looks tough; When the challenges are mounting higher with no way forward; When the night feels longer and the winds are blowing stronger; When success is delaying and you feel drained it is time to shout out aloud and say: “I can! I can! I can! I will”

All thoughts, intentions, words and decisions have a cost. You unnecessarily tax yourself too much when you decide to live as a victim, talk as a victim and speak as a victim. Speak differently to deliver different results. Do not speak according to how you feel, speak according to how you want to feel. Your will is important and should direct your speech.

When you pass your words remember the rule of the game of soccer: you do not pass the ball to where your colleague is but where he is running to.

Speak to the space that gives you advantage. Do not speak according to where you are emotionally at, but where you want to be. By your words create the experiences that you desire.

Committed to your greatness.

Milton Kamwendo is a leading international transformational and motivational speaker, author, and a virtual, hybrid and in-person workshop facilitator. He is a cutting-edge strategy, team-building and organisation development facilitator and consultant. His life purpose is to inspire and promote greatness. He can be reached at: and His website is: