The Sunday Mail

When deception becomes order of the day

LIKE wildfire, being untrustworthy and the quest to make a quick buck are consuming the heart and soul of a large percentage of our population.

People are seemingly lost to the desire to have unfair advantage over their peers.

The cancer is eating into almost every constituency, from churches to political parties, and even family settings.It is even worse at workplaces, where you have people playing every known and unknown trick to get an unfair advantage over others, especially their bosses.

Called “kuvhara”, “kutsindira”, “kucloser”, “kutema” or simply “tonaz”, this practice of wanting to reap where one did not sow has just grown to a level that makes it difficult for one to ignore.

In love affairs, the situation has also become tricky, with people employing tactics that include blackmail.

“My mother has been taken ill and there is no one who can bail me out except you because you are the only person I share precious moments with and has the capacity to help me.

I know you can help me unless there is another lady you are diverting your attention to. Please, spare me just US$300 to arrest the situation,”

I heard a friend being told by his lover as she performed fake public displays of affection on him.

“Do you think I can have peaceful sleep when my brother is languishing in prison for a crime he did not commit. Just give me at least US$400 to hire a lawyer.

|I know you can do it for me, my love,” yours truly heard an elderly workmate being told by his youthful lover. From daybreak to sunset, people are being duped and made to part with their hard-earned cash and assets by people feigning that they care for them.

If you leave someone in your house, car or office, it is as if you have committed a crime.

They will help themselves to your cash, watches, phones and other valuables they can lay their hands on. Small things like caps and CDs are commonly targeted.

It is not unusual to walk in the park or other confined spaces and not find curricula vitae (CVs) and documents belonging to people who would have been made to part with cash on the promise of employment.

People have become so greedy that they even take food meant for mourners at funerals to eat with their families.

Others will make persistent phone calls to family members and friends in the diaspora, lying that they intend to buy food and flowers for mourners at funerals, only for them to use the money to solve their personal challenges.If you are away from home, you are likely to be presented with requests for money to fund things that are never fulfilled. As I commit pen to paper, gentle reader, there are some people who have turned themselves into professional conmen and conwomen, who would rather remain unemployed while feeding on the resources of their unsuspecting relatives.

“I will never look for a job as long as I have well-to-do relatives. I will make much more money from them than spending long hours in bus queues and earning peanuts at the end of the month.

Mari irimo muvanhu umu, and all you want is the skill to unlock it,” I heard a certain bloke shamelessly bragging.

So ruthless and shameless have people become that they steal cash, property and other valuables they can lay their hands on from the homes of sick and dying relatives.

What really has the world come to as people are now taking pride in earning a living from doing embarrassing things?

Lord, have mercy.

Inotambika mughetto.
