The Sunday Mail

VP Mnangagwa turns preacher

Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa

Vice-President Emmerson Munangagwa wore a preacher’s hat when he dished the word of God at Zion Christian Church in Bikita on Easter Sunday. Hundreds of people from across the country and beyond gathered under the leadership of Bishop Dr Nehemiah Mutendi at Mbungo Estates to celebrate the Easter season.

Deducing his message from John 8v12, VP Mnangagwa said one’s salvation had nothing to do with one’s close relations to men of the cloth.

“Imi munofunga kuti chiyedza chenyika izuva, kwete. Chiyedza chenyika ndiye Jesu Kristu, ndiye Mwanakomana waMwari, wakaburutswa kuti tiwane kuponeswa. Ndiye chiedza. Nokuti pane angafunga kuti zuva ndiro chiedza chenyika, ayihwa. Hongu Jehova vakati ngakuva nechiedza 12 hours tombova nerima 12 hours.

“The light of life inongobva kuna Jesu Kristu, ndiye woga. Hazvina witness, hazvina chii! Isu kana tiri muCabinet tinodebater nyaya vamwe vachiinda nekuku vamwe vachiinda nekuku. VaMugabe vakateerera vozopendera nyaya inenge iripo. Makambohwa here kuti Mwari anodebater nengirozi ozopendera?

“Bodo! Anopa instruction. Ngakuve nechichi, chovako. Haaite mainstruction gumbo rako richirwadza oti ndoporesa zvandambotaura? Bodo! Ndiye Mwari watinonamata, ndiye Mwari mupenyu,” said VP Mnangagwa.

He added that God’s ways are above men’s who change goal posts now and then.

“Asi isu kana tapinda muCabinet tinombopasser zvimwe kana tafunga tozozvibvisa toisa zvimwe tichingodaro. Zvasiyana munhu nezva Ishe ari kumusoro kudenga. Zvedu zvinoda a witness but the spirit of the Lord, the light of the Lord hazvina witness zvinoda commitment yako, kuzvipira kwako,” affirmed VP Mnangagwa.

He further preached from Acts 2v14-24, emphasising that now is the time God is pouring his spirit in all kinds of people

“Imi mhuri yeJudea, imi maZion makaungana pano tererai shoko iri randinokutaurirai Peter. Kana mazuva angu okupedzisa asvika ndiwo mazuva angu iko zvino ndichaburutsa mweya wangu ugofamba pamusoro penyu ndiJesu Kristu. Nhanhasi uno mweya unobva kudenga uchiuya pamusoro pevapenyu.

“Vanakomana, vanasikana vachaporofita ndonhaka yatakapiwa naJesus. Munoona musingaonesese. Matana, vakweguri venyu vacharota hope. Hamungazvioni here pakati penyu. Ndozviriko nhasi asi zvakataurwa kare Jesu achitaura paverse rake. Munohwa musingahwisisi.

“Nguva yekugumisira isati yasvika muchaona zvishamiso zvakawanda kudenga napasi,” preached the Vice- President.

He also implored Christians to seek the Lord with true and committed hearts.