The Sunday Mail

VICTORIUS LIVING: The value of speaking in tongues

Have you ever had an argument about the issue of “speaking in tongues” as Christians from different backgrounds or with those that are yet to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour? It is like talking to a brick wall, isn’t it?

Well it never dawned on me why it was so difficult to understand, especially for someone yet to be saved, until it was explained during a Holy Ghost service at Waters of Life Ministries in Glen Norah A, Harare.

The service hinged on emphasising the value of speaking in tongues.

For starters, Pastor Makwakwa said Christianity is a supernatural relationship with a supernatural God, and therefore God has given us a supernatural means to communicate with him as clearly stated in 1 Corinthians 14v2.

No one should ask you what the tongues you are speaking mean because The Bible says one who speaks in tongues is speaking to God not man.

The Bible describes them as deep intimacies that you cannot tell men but God only.

Even the devil cannot understand these deep mysteries, and they come through the baptism of the Holy Spirit as what happened on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2v1-11.

While we have churches that forbid people to speak in tongues, Pastor Makwakwa said no authority should forbid you from speaking in tongues no matter their title according to 1 Corinthians 14v39.

Apostle Paul wrote 14 letters in the Bible and from 1 Corinthians 14v18 he describes his strength of speaking in tongues.

Speaking in tongues is an integral part of any Christian’s devotional life: just like a man without a heart is dead and so a Christian without tongues might as well be dead.

The greatest hindrance in “speaking other tongues” is your natural mind as it always raises questions on what that means.

It is your duty to command your mind to shut up when it questions you why you are speaking these mysteries.

1 Corinthians 2v14 explains that when you are not spiritual, the spiritual things appear as foolish. When you pray in tongues, the natural man will never admit that that is the basis of his argument.

Without faith in God, you can never admit or understand the power of tongues.

1 Corinthians 1v25 tells us that God’s foolishness is still wiser than man’s wisdom. So praying in tongues is foolishness to a man but with God it is wisdom.

What would you rather be, foolish to man but be wise before God or wise to man and distant to God?

One other reason God wants us to speak in tongues is because our native languages are limited and this may result in vain bubbling where you are continuously repeating yourself.

Tongues are a more effective way to pray longer hours in intercession as Jesus Christ did according to Luke 6v12.

As told by Mark 16v17, speaking in tongues is a supernatural sign that you believe in Jesus Christ.

Furthermore, the Holy Spirit through the speaking of tongues helps you in your weaknesses through intercession, meaning if you are not speaking in tongues you are delaying the intercession that the Holy Spirit intends to do for you.

Also to those that desire the gifts of the Holy Spirit speaking in tongues is the door to take you there.

So today raise up your spiritual tongue and reach for the deeper things of God. For those yet to receive Jesus Christ as your Savour, the time is now.

Only then can you begin to experience the language of tongues through the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Until next week, keep living a victorious life in Jesus Christ and look out for a visit by The Sunday Mail at your place of worship.

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