NEW: US$82 000 boost for Esigodini Agricultural College

02 May, 2024 - 12:05 0 Views
NEW: US$82 000 boost for Esigodini Agricultural College Prof Jiri

Phillipa Mukome Chinhoi

Online Reporter

Esigodini Agricultural College has received a substantial boost with a donation of goats and agricultural equipment worth over US$82 000 from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

The initiative aims at enhancing the institution’s programmes, extension services and business advisory services, while also contributing to national development goals and addressing climate shocks.

The donation consists of 54 goats of the Kalahari and Matabele breeds, as well as various agricultural equipment and laboratory tools and consumables.

Donated agricultural equipment comprises heating ovens, digital analytical balance, a lab-size grinding mill and an automated fat extractor.

Other donated items were microscopes, fume cupboards, an automated kjeldal unit and other laboratory consumables.

Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Permanent Secretary Professor Obert Jiri said hands-on training and practical exposure to livestock management and agricultural practices would equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their field.

He said by expanding the college’s goat herd, the donation not only contributed to the revitalisation of the agricultural sector, but also drove economic growth and resilience within the community.

“Moreover, it is imperative to recognise the broader implications of these initiatives within the context of the livestock recovery and growth plan,” said Prof Jiri. “By increasing the college’s herd, the donation does not only contribute to the revitalisation of the agricultural sector, but also drives economic growth and resilience within the community.”

The donation is part of the UNDP’s initiative called “Building Climate Resilience of Vulnerable Agricultural Livelihoods in Southern Zimbabwe.”

Esigodini Agricultural College is one of five innovation platforms in Zimbabwe that are driving agricultural innovation.

UNDP Resident Representative Dr Ayodele Odusola said the partnership aimed at advancing the national climate resilience building agenda.

“Climate Smart Agriculture interventions are particularly key in advancing the climate action and adaptation impact potential for the country, including in responding to the global Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 13 (Climate Action),” he said.

“We believe that this support will complement Government efforts in strengthening the Ministry’s thrust to achieve the climate adaptation milestones as outlined in the country`s Revised Nationally Determined Contributions.”

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