The Sunday Mail

Tracing African Roots: Good, bad love potions

Sekuru Friday Chisanyu

A love potion is the medicine that makes love real. This has been known by most people for decades. Some call it marriage security.

This spell is also used to unite families though it is mostly used when there is mistrust in a couple.

If we look at how love potions are made, some methods are bad: sometimes lizard tails and saliva from underneath the tongue are used as part of the mixture.

On the other hand, the barks of two different types of trees squeezed together are taken as part of the mixture for a good love potion. This spell is used to cool down the noise-maker in the marriage and restore love.

It is done secretly and used privately, and the intention is not to kill but to restore love and peace.

There are several types of love spells depending in different parts of Zimbabwe. There are specialists in traditional medicine who do this and they prepare the love spell according to the type of problem. Water and stones are used as love potions by prophets to assist married couples.

If a man is married to a young woman, the chances of using a love spell will be very high because of the fear that his beautiful young wife will be taken by men of her age. It is the same with a young girl married to an older man.

A love spell makes a person listen only to the person who has used it on them and not to anyone else, including parents.

There are love potions for bedroom and kitchen problems, communication, adultery and others.

The most common love spell is called “mupeta bere”, to stop adultery. The good thing with this is that marriages will never break and the spread of STIs will be rare.

In many cases, though, men become unable to make decisions. Whatever you request of them, the answer will be, “Ask my wife.” A partner might take advantage of this resulting in them abusing the spouse. This kind of spell is not recommended by practitioners.

A woman who uses this spell on her husband can have many boyfriends without suspicion being raised. Sometimes even makes her husband provide for these lovers.

It is the same with men who can also abuse their wives. The other challenge is one may not remarry after the death of the spouse until relatives/friends takes him/her to a traditional medical practitioner to break the spell.

One love spell is called “stay soft” because it brings calmness to marriages and families. Some use it during bathing, accompanied by chants of what they want their partner to do. Some prepare it with food, some throw it in the air and others use it during sex. Good love spells do not kill. They only relay to the brain what is needed by the other partner mostly for the sustainability of their marriage.

Love spells can be used anywhere and within different religions, be it African Traditional or Christianity.

Sekuru Chisanyu is the president of Zimbabwe National Practitioners Association.