Gabriel Manyeruke
EDUCATION is meant to equip individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in life.
However, without values and principles, education becomes meaningless and ineffective. It will fail to instil moral integrity in individuals at school
Values such as honesty, respect and responsibility are crucial for guiding one’s actions and decision-making.
For example, a learner who excels academically but lacks values may resort to cheating or plagiarism to achieve success, compromising their moral compass in the process.
While academic knowledge is important, it is equally essential to nurture a holistic individual who is empathetic, compassionate and ethical. Without values and principles, education focuses merely on academic achievements, disregarding the importance of building character.
Furthermore, without values and principles, education fails to prepare individuals for real-world complexities.
In society, individuals are constantly faced with ethical dilemmas and moral challenges. Education that lacks a strong foundation in values and principles leaves individuals ill-equipped to navigate life’s woes and make sound judgements.
Apart from that, a morally upright individual is more likely to contribute positively to society and make a meaningful impact on the world around them.
However, education without values and principles undermines the importance of social responsibility, which is vital in fostering a sense of community and promoting social harmony.
Education without values and principles promotes a culture of materialism and self-interest.
In a society that values success and wealth above all else, individuals may prioritise personal gain over ethical considerations, inadvertently perpetuating a culture of greed and selfishness.
Where values are not inculcated, there is erosion of trust and integrity in institutions.
In situations where ethical breaches are increasingly commonplace, it is vital for educational institutions to uphold values such as honesty, fairness and transparency to maintain positive relations with relevant stakeholders.
In addition, education without values and principles perpetuates a cycle of injustice and inequality.
Values such as equality, justice and diversity are critical for creating a fair and inclusive society. Without commitment to these values, education may perpetuate systemic inequalities and biases, further widening the gap between privileged and marginalised groups in society.
Education devoid of values and principles fails to inspire individuals to lead purposeful and meaningful lives.
Without a strong moral foundation, young people may struggle to find meaning in their lives and might lack the motivation to make a positive impact on the world.
Ultimately, education without values and principles is futile as it fails to nurture individuals who are morally upright, socially responsible and personally fulfilled.
Values and principles are the guiding light that shapes one’s character, influences their actions and determines their impact on society.
It is critical for schools to prioritise the integration of values and principles into their curriculum to ensure the holistic development of young minds.
Gabriel Manyeruke is an author and educator at Wise Owl High School in Marondera. Contact details: 0774 122 288, manyeruke4@