The Sunday Mail

The grandeur of strelitzia

Andrew Mangwarara
I think when a plant from our region becomes a world relic it is something worth celebrating. It is the case with strelitzia, now a well-known plant, which has been adopted by many countries as a national emblem, since the 1700s. The flower of strelitzia resembles the crane bird and so the name, crane flower. Few plants deserve this mention and recognition as the genus strelitzia. I am always fascinated by this group of plants of which contains about five species but two of them are the ones which are popular in Zimbabwe, namely strelitzia reginae and strelitzia nicolai.

The architectural form of strelitzia deserves a special place in any garden. The long lasting flowers being popular in flower arrangements, lend an exotic aura to any decoration and deserve to be the centre piece or main focal point for any design.

Strelitzia reginae also known as the bird of paradise has brought joy to many gardeners. It occurs naturally in South Africa on its eastern coast. It is an evergreen stemless shrub reaching a height of 1,5m to 2m, with its banana like leaves starting from the base.

Grow the crane flower in full sun or part shade though it prefers full sun. It produces a long flower stalk from the base which is about 70cm having 4 to 6 flowers emerging in succession. It flowers from May up to December. From the flowers, seeds are formed emerging from capsules. It has black seeds, which germinate readily.

To grow strelitzia reginae successfully divide the base of the plant or plant the seeds. When seeds germinate pot them in a well-drained potting mix such as one part loam, one part sand and one part compost with a handful of compound D for a wheelbarrow load. Water generously as the plant grows.

This strelitzia can be spectacular in pots needing repotting when pot bound towards winter. It will be a while before it flowers (up to three years) if you have grown it from seed.

Let us move on to strelitzia nicolai a somewhat striking plant needing some space in a garden as it grows up to 12m in height and 4m wide. Its spread is naturally from the eastern highlands of Zimbabwe into Mozambique down to South Africa.

It is also an evergreen multi-stemmed resembling a banana plant though quite different, some even ask if it is a banana plant. Its crane like inflorescence is about 50cm long with white sepals as compared to the yellow or orange ones on reginae. Strelitzia nicolai flowers throughout the year.

Strelitzia nicolai is a fairly drought resistant plant rewarding you with lush vegetation where plenty of water is available. It is a particularly useful plant for screening purposes, also good looking on a lawn or swimming pool and near buildings. The easiest way to grow it is by using seed, which also readily germinates or from root suckers. This plant is a fast grower growing well in a full sun position.

Strelitzia like their cousins the banana plant, need plenty of water, feeding and high temperatures. They will reward you with spectacular blooms, a wonder the world over.
