The Sunday Mail

SHARP SHOOTER: Gamatox plot thickens

Cde Mnangagwa

These private media journalists who do not know where President Mugabe is enjoying his holiday have now turned to Vice Presidents, Cdes Mnangagwa and Mphoko.

It is clear that they make a living out of reporting negatively about the First Family. But now that the President and his family are on holiday, the private newsroom is starved.
All they can do is speculate and give acres of space to a picture of the First Family and Cde Mnangagwa.
They have taken sensationalisation to greater heights with headlines such as “Mnangagwa begs Mugabe”, as if they were there with the First Family.
They are in a quandary because of President Mugabe’s absence. Though they are struggling with headlines, their agenda of putting in place a gamatox government remains.
Year in, year out around the same time, we are told that fat lie that President Mugabe has collapsed after a heart attack. That loud fart from the private media stinks to high heavens.
With nothing tangible to report on President Mugabe, the private media have turned to the Vice Presidents. Cde Mphoko is being lampooned for staying at a local hotel when he is in the capital city.
Surely, is it newsworthy that someone is staying in a hotel?
A hotel is usually a private property where a private arrangement and private payment terms can be made between the host and the guest in respect of accommodation and food.
No one is privy to those arrangements.
No one is privy to those private terms between the VP and the local hotel.
The hotel has not complained about the VP staying there whenever he is in the capital and the VP himself has not complained about the standards of the hotel or the hospitality he is being offered.
Neither the VP nor Government has also complained about the rates of the hotel under the private terms. But for the private media, this is news because they have a gamatox agenda.
A man goes to stay in a hotel with his wife and you find that worth talking about? Some of these half-baked private media journalists are very fond of serving a dog’s breakfast but we should never fail to see the gamatox agenda behind the smokescreen.
During the Chiadzwa diamond rush, there were rumours that some of the ngoda dealers booked whole hotel floors for themselves but to this day we do not know their names or what arrangement they had with the hotels in question. But because President Mugabe is not around and there is no much to talk about, the story of a man who is staying in a hotel with his wife is trending prominently in the private media.
Surely, has our journalism become so idle, so sluggish and so redundant? Certainly not, there is a gamatox agenda to the whole debacle.
And then all of a sudden VP Mnangagwa’s office is broken into.
Sometimes the urge to blame the private media for assisting in the break-in is just too high. You almost sense that they had to go to such great lengths to find something to write about but when you think of the gamatox agenda, everything becomes clearer.
Whoever those burglars are, they have links with the gamatox cabal. They have links with successionists and the gamatox putchists.
It is all a plot to try and keep VP Mnangagwa in the media for all the wrong reasons.
There is negative reporting on Cde Mphoko’s hotel stay. There is negative reporting on Cde Mnangagwa’s office being broken into and surprisingly there is negative reporting on MDC-T losing its former members to a certain cabal and then there is positive reporting on the formation of People First.
This is the cabal under discussion.
Everything seems well orchestrated to reflect the hand of the gamatox cabal working with the private media on a regime change agenda that seeks to eliminate all possible competition that has strong links to Cde Mugabe.
As we watch, gamatox is using its commissars in the private media to rubbish anything associated with the hierarchy of Zanu PF and is roping in disgruntled former members of the MDC-T to its People First coup plot.
Gamatox is vainly trying to destroy Zanu PF from within. lt still has some rats from within, the rats that are spying on the Zanu PF status.
The cabal has taken on board the private media to sell themselves as gamatox and as the best option to form the next Government. Gamatox is not only bent on destroying Zanu PF but has also strategised to work with anti-Tsvangirai MDC-T members to destroy the MDC-T.
The MDC-T sympathisers of the gamatox ideology have been targeted and roped behind the scenes to grow the gamatox support base.
Tsvangirai should never be fooled to think that gamatox want to work with him and his party. People First are on an all-out onslaught to swallow the entire opposition of this country and by opposition I mean the MDC-T and some Zanu PF members who are sympathisers to the Mujuru cabal.
Tsvangirai needs to realise that all the hype about him joining hands with gamatox is a bid for his supporters to warm-up to a Joice Mujuru cabal.
On the other hand, Zanu PF needs to aggressively weed out any gamatox remnants that survived the initial and post-congress cleansing.