Resuscitation of factories vital for economic emancipation

24 Mar, 2024 - 00:03 0 Views
Resuscitation of factories vital for economic emancipation

Dr Kudzanai Vere

ZIMBABWE, once known as the “breadbasket of Africa” has experienced a decline in its industrial sector over the past few decades. The closure of numerous factories has had a significant impact on the country’s economy, leading to job losses, reduced exports and a decline in manufacturing output. However, there is a growing realisation that the resuscitation of these factories holds the key to Zimbabwe’s economic emancipation.

Sector faced challenges

Zimbabwe’s industrial sector has faced numerous challenges over the years, including economic instability, policy uncertainties and lack of access to affordable capital. These factors, combined with global market dynamics, have contributed to the closure of many once-thriving factories.

Zimbabwe’s once-vibrant textile mills have fallen silent, leading to heavy reliance on imported clothing. The closure of these mills has resulted in job losses and a decline in the country’s textile exports.

Similarly, the manufacturing sector has also suffered, with many factories shutting down or operating at reduced capacity. Industries such as steel, chemicals and electronics have been particularly affected, leading to a decline in the production of essential goods and components.

The importance of resuscitating factories

1. Job creation: The resuscitation of factories would lead to a revival of employment opportunities. The reopening of factories and mills would provide job opportunities for the unemployed, reducing poverty and improving livelihoods. The creation of a robust manufacturing sector would also generate indirect employment in support industries, contributing to a multiplier effect on the economy.

2. Increased exports: A revitalised industrial sector would have a significant positive impact on Zimbabwe’s export potential. By producing goods locally, the country can reduce its reliance on imports and increase its export capacity. This would help to improve the balance of trade, strengthen the country’s foreign exchange reserves and boost economic growth.

3. Value addition: Resuscitating factories would enable Zimbabwe to add value to its raw materials and resources. Instead of exporting raw materials, the country could process them domestically, resulting in higher-value products and increased revenue. Value addition would promote industrial diversification and reduce the country’s vulnerability to external shocks.

4. Technological development: The revival of factories would foster technological advancement in Zimbabwe. The introduction of modern machinery, equipment and production techniques would enhance productivity and efficiency. The adoption of new technologies would also enable industries to meet international standards, making Zimbabwe’s products more competitive in global markets.

Examples of successful industrial resuscitation efforts

1. Willowvale Mazda Motor Industries: Willowvale Mazda Motor Industries, established in 1980, was once a thriving automobile manufacturing company in Zimbabwe. However, it faced significant challenges and eventually closed its doors in 2012. In recent years, there have been efforts to revive the firm through partnerships with international investors. These initiatives seek to bring back production, create employment opportunities and contribute to the growth of the automotive industry in the country.

2. David Whitehead Textiles: David Whitehead Textiles, once a leading textile company in Zimbabwe, fell into decline and eventually ceased operations. However, in recent years, there have been efforts to revive the company and restore its former glory. The Government has provided financial support and facilitated partnerships with foreign investors to inject capital and expertise into the company. These efforts seek to revive the textile industry, create jobs and promote local production of clothing and textiles.

Challenges to resuscitation efforts

1. Access to capital: One of the major challenges in resuscitating defunct companies is limited access to affordable capital. Reviving industries requires significant investments in machinery, equipment and infrastructure. The Government and financial institutions need to develop mechanisms to provide affordable financing options to entrepreneurs and investors looking to revive the industrial sector.

2. Policy stability: Ensuring policy stability is vital in attracting both local and foreign investments in the industrial sector. A clear and consistent policy framework that prioritises industrial development, protects local industries and provides incentives for investment would create a conducive environment for industrial resuscitation.

3. Infrastructure development: The revival of industries requires adequate infrastructure such as reliable power supply, transportation networks and access to water resources. Investment in infrastructure development would support the functioning of industries and attract investors to set up manufacturing facilities.

The resuscitation of industries is crucial for the country’s economic emancipation. Reviving these factories would lead to job creation, increased exports, value addition and technological development. The successful examples of Willowvale Mazda Motor Industries and David Whitehead Textiles demonstrate that with the right partnerships, financial support and policy stability, industrial resuscitation is achievable.

However, challenges such as access to capital and infrastructure development need to be addressed to fully realise the potential of Zimbabwe’s industrial sector. By prioritising the revival of defunct industries, Zimbabwe can regain its position as a regional economic powerhouse and create a sustainable future for its citizens.


*Dr Kudzanai Vere is an internationally acclaimed transformational speaker in entrepreneurship, organisation development, leadership development and financial forensics. He is the CEO of the Institute of Entrepreneurs Zimbabwe, which has brought an entrepreneurship revolution in Zimbabwe through imparting practical entrepreneurship skills. He can be contacted on: +263772592232 or [email protected]

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