The Sunday Mail

Psychology Maziwisa to sue Sikhala

Mr Psychology Maziwisa

Sunday Mail Reporter
Zanu-PF spokesman Mr Psychology Maziwisa has said that he will sue Mr Job Sikhala over disparaging remarks posted by the latter on the Facebook social network. Writing on his Facebook page, Mr Sikhala claimed that he had been told by Mr Maziwisa’s brother that the latter used recreational drugs and engaged in homosexual activities with the late Peter Roebek.  Mr Sikhala wrote, “I was told by his younger brother at the Media Centre public meeting in Harare last year towards elections that they used to be on the (sic) drug consuming spree with Peter Reobek in Durban before he engaged in homosexual rezvendous (sic) with him, I long felt pity for this gay.”

Mr Maziwisa responded angrily to the remarks and accused Mr Sikhala of maliciously defaming him in a way that would make him lose his standing in society and said, “Sikhala has published malicious falsehoods.

“I am confident we can demonstrate that he had no such conversation with my brother and that his remarks were false and maliciously so. I will meet him in court.”

Probed on the size of the lawsuit, Mr Maziwisa responded that he was “not interested in making money off Sikhala. I just want exemplary damages. It is the principle that we are accountable for what we write on social media that I am hoping the courts will establish.”

Sikhala’s allegations triggered a storm of condemnation on his Facebook wall with Jerry Garanewako replying, “Maziwisa is not gay Jobo usatinyepera…sei zvese zvese unongoti wazoudzwa nehama yemunhu iyeye anokuudza pakai?..Usatinyepera mhani iwe usatamba nepfungwa dzedu..Maziwisa is not gay…don’t lie.”

Moses Dendere Muchaurawa added, “Mukoma Wiwa wakurasika futi here? What do you mean dementia deserves no respect? Are you suggesting dementia is caused by homosexual activity. I feel sorry for you Wiwa. I think if you want to be a future leader go back to school. In other countries you would have been fired from the party for such a stupid comment. How do you think people with relatives with the condition feel? Grow up Wiwa.” Mr Sikhala could not comment on the matter.