The Sunday Mail

Nurturing, caring worth it

Life Issues with FGK

NOT every young man is dating for the right reasons. Most of them are not prepared to take responsibility if things go south.

It is not uncommon for children to be raised by a single parent or in some cases a guardian.

In most cases, it is mothers who prove to be the most responsible compared to fathers, who usually dodge responsibility.

One such story is that of a girl by the name Gertrude, whose father vanished before she was even born as he distanced himself from the pregnancy.

Gertrude’s mother was left alone with no means of survival. Friends and relatives equally abandoned her.

She was left with no shoulder to lean on until a miracle arrived in the form of an aunt, who took Gertrude from her struggling mother and started looking after her.

Apart from providing for her, she also started looking for Gertrude’s father in a bid to create a functional family set-up for the child.

She thought reuniting the girl with his long lost father would help pacify the emotional thoughts that every fatherless child and single mother experience.

The aunt was not interested in making the father provide for the child. She just wanted him to be present in the girl’s life, accept that he is the father and provide moral support.

The aunt tried sending out letters everywhere she thought he could be, phoned everyone whom she thought knew him and even went as far as going to radio stations to get the name of this guy broadcast in the hope he would just return to his family.

But all the efforts were in vain.

As Gertrude grew, she developed a very strong bond with her aunt such that she started calling her “mom”.  The aunt did everything for her, including sending her to school — the best schools she could afford.

However, the aunt’s husband later on died.

Many relatives began distancing themselves from her because they thought that she could no longer afford to give them handouts as the breadwinner had died. Tragedy struck again as the Gertrude’s biological mother also passed on.

It was a catastrophe.

In the following months and years, the few good relatives that stood by the aunt’s side also died. The two were only left with each other.

Life became tough, but somehow Gertrude managed to see her education through and pass with impressive grades. She later got a good job and, naturally, she took good care of her aunt.

What would have become of the aunt had she neglected taking care of this little girl?

It could have been a different case also had Gertrude’s father raised her. Single mothers and guardians who are left in the care of their relatives should not shirk their responsibility.

It is usually God’s blessing in disguise.

Also, never hold a grudge against anyone who has abandoned their child and put them in your care.

Just raise them and do it well.

If you are a widow, the world tends to be so cruel and insensitive. Just be strong and raise those children with all that you have.

Remember, the Man above stands by you.

Most women raising children on their own tend to be bitter.

They are sometimes overwhelmed by emotions and end up saying nasty things to those around them, including the kids.

They may be young but they will remember everything when they grow up.

Pressure should not push you to say things that you will regret in the future. Taking care of someone is not easy; it is a daunting task, but do it with all your heart.

Never allow those under your care to feel unwanted.

If you are in such a situation right now, be a good and exemplary guardian.

When situations that are meant to tear you apart arise, strengthen yourself and face them head-on and be a victor.


Quote of the week: Never allow those under your care to feel unwanted.


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