The Sunday Mail

‘No to imposition of candidates’

President Mnangagwa

Imposition of candidates by senior Zanu-PF officials in this year’s harmonised elections will not be tolerated, and people must campaign peacefully across the country, President Emmerson Mnangagwa has said.

He made the remarks last week at a field day at a farm owned by Mr Irvene Taguta of the Johanne Marange Apostolic Church.

The Head of State and Government – who is Zanu-PF’s President and First Secretary – touched on several issues, including his administration’s efforts to revitalise the economy and the recent firing of striking public sector nurses.

President Mnangagwa said the economy was primed for growth owing to, among other things, his Government’s drive to re-engage the international community and attract investment.

On elections, he said: “We want to campaign peacefully, hapana anorambidzwa ku campaigner. . . .No imposition (of candidates, no imposition.

“Ma candidates anomirira kuyenda ku Parliament ngaabve kuvanhu; ngaabve kuvanhu. Hapana kuti uyu ndishefu uyu ndiyani; umwe neumwe ngaaende kuvanhu, abve kuvanhu, vanhu vasimudze kuti ndiye watinoda uyu.

“Sisi ava kana mukoma ava ndivo vatinoda, zvichibva kuvanhu. Ndozvatoda izvozvo; no imposition at all.

“Ndozvinozoti tozouya kwauri tichiti komunhu azotadza kuhwina sei murimi makatipa, kwete kuti moti imi vakuru ndimi makatipa, isu tanga tine wedu ayehwa.

“Isu tinoda munhu wamunotipa imi; ndomurairo wavapo. We want people to elect their representatives themselves.

“We don’t want impositions; kuti uyu ndiye anodiwa na President, uyu ndiye anodiwa na chairman wemusangano, hapana, inhema, inhema!

“Ini ndinoda anenge adiwa nevanhu kwete kuti adiwa na shefu, anodiwa nevanhu ndiye wandinonadawo.”