NEW: Zimbabwe’s tobacco exports since January top US$358 million 

27 Feb, 2024 - 17:02 0 Views
NEW: Zimbabwe’s tobacco exports since January top US$358 million  huge proportions of exported tobacco and cotton are unprocessed, which is evidence of limited value addition

Online Reporter 

THE country’s tobacco export earnings since the beginning of the year reached US$358 million as at February 23, 2024, compared to US$112 million in the same period last year.

According to latest figures from Tobacco Industry and Marketing Board’s weekly report, the biggest buyers of Zimbabwe’s tobacco exports were countries from the Far East, which accounted for 39,4 million kg worth US$311 million.

African countries purchased four million kg valued at US$13 million.

Europe recorded the least uptake, having purchased 1,1 million kg of tobacco to the tune of US$5,3 million.



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