NEW: Short-term insurers move to ‘catch them young’

13 Nov, 2021 - 12:11 0 Views
NEW: Short-term insurers move to ‘catch them young’

Online Reporter

The Insurance Council of Zimbabwe (ICZ), in collaboration with the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, is working to raise awareness in rural schools by introducing an agriculture insurance awareness essay competition.

The competition’s prizes are to the tune of US$50 000.

According to ICZ, successful secondary level students will win textbooks worth US$10 000 for their schools, and US$4 000 for rural primary schools of their choice.

“The rural students are part of the approximately 60 percent of the Zimbabwe’s rural population that depends on agriculture activities from subsistence to commercial level.

“The country’s economy continues to be agro-based providing about 70 percent of the manufacturing industry raw materials,” said the short-term insurers’ representative body.

“The young population is the future of the country and should be equipped with insurance and risk management knowledge as they are being encouraged to entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector. ICZ said this was major reason for targeting rural school.”

The competition is expected to alleviate the shortage of textbooks in six rural schools as well as provide school fees to 13 students across the country.

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