The Sunday Mail

NEW: How AI can help Zim firms give better customer experiences

Cresencia Marjorie Chiremba

The contemporary business world is fast-paced to the extent that companies should move with speed to incorporate the latest technological trends in their operations.

If applied correctly, technology can ensure smooth operations, which, in turn, improve service delivery to the consumer.

Currently, there is a buzz about artificial intelligence (AI).

In customer service, AI technology is already providing businesses with workflow automation and intelligent tools to streamline and expedite customer outreach.

AI tools such as chat-bots, data enrichment and intelligent routing enable customer service teams to speed up case resolutions and personalise service supported by data insights.

Ultimately, its goal is to automate customer service processes and produce instant results, compared to long turnaround periods.

In other words, AI is revolutionising the way businesses interact with their customers.

It is giving businesses the power to strengthen customer engagement, encourage brand loyalty and improve retention.

While it is not a replacement for human beings, there are evidently several benefits of using AI in customer service, as it covers up some human shortcomings.

Here are some of the merits of using AI:

  1. Increased Efficiency

AI can help businesses increase efficiency by automating routine tasks that would traditionally require human interaction. One of the most obvious ways that artificial intelligence can change the customer experience is by automating routine tasks. For example, a customer service representative could use AI to automatically answer common questions or to schedule appointments

  1. Improved customer satisfaction

AI can help businesses improve their customer experience by providing personalised recommendations based on a customer’s purchase history and preferences.

  1. Real-time support

AI can help businesses provide real-time support through chatbots. Chatbots can provide customers with quick answers to their questions and help them find the information they need at any time of the day, since they do not go to sleep or take breaks.

  1. Cost savings

AI can help businesses save money by reducing the need for human customer service representatives. An investment in AI is a once-off payment, compared to employing people who will be on a salary every month and getting benefits. Another benefit is that it neither gets sick nor asks for some time off work.

  1. Predictive personalisation

AI can help businesses predict customer behaviour and needs through predictive personalisation. This technology can make a customer’s experience feel as though it was crafted just for them. It can also help businesses improve their customer experience by providing personalised recommendations based on a customer’s purchase history and preferences. This can help businesses increase sales and improve customer satisfaction.

While there are many benefits to using AI in customer service, there are also some challenges that businesses should be aware of. Here are some of them:

  1. i) Lack of human touch

One of the biggest challenges of using AI in customer service is the lack of human touch. While AI can provide quick and efficient responses, it lacks the empathy and understanding that comes with human interaction.

  1. ii) Data privacy concerns

Another challenge of using AI in customer service is data privacy concerns. Businesses need to ensure that they are collecting and storing customer data in a secure and ethical manner.


Implementing AI can be expensive, especially for small businesses. This is due to the fact that it requires significant investment in hardware, software and personnel. Small businesses may not have the resources to invest in AI technology and may not have the expertise to implement it effectively.

  1. iv)  Training

Training AI systems can be time-consuming and require specialised knowledge. Large amounts of data need to be collected and labelled, and this process requires a lot of computation. Data collected must be of top quality and accurate, because poor-quality data can lead to inaccurate predictions and poor performance.

  1. v) Integration

Integrating AI systems with existing customer service processes can be challenging, because it requires significant changes to existing processes. AI may require new data sources, new workflows and new personnel to manage the system.

Additionally, integrating AI systems with existing processes requires careful planning and execution to ensure that the system is integrated seamlessly and does not disrupt existing operations.

Notwithstanding some of these limitations, AI is changing the way businesses interact with their customers.

It is helping businesses improve their customer experience by improving efficiency and providing faster response times.

*Cresencia Marjorie Chiremba is a marketing enthusiast with a strong passion for customer service. For comments, suggestions, and training, she can be reached at or at +263 712 979 461, 0719 978 335