NEW: Govt accelerates the extension of health services  

30 Nov, 2022 - 10:11 0 Views
NEW: Govt accelerates the extension of health services  

 Online Reporter  

Government is accelerating health sector reforms through the expansion of health services across the country.

Treasury has since set aside $33 billion for the construction and rehabilitation of clinics next year.

“In line with leaving no one and no place behind philosophy, Central and Local Governments in 2023 will continue to roll out more primary health facilities aimed at ensuring that all settlements are within the recommended 5-kilometre radius to health services,” said Finance and Economic Development Minister Professor Mthuli Ncube in his 2023 National Budget presentation last week.

Ongoing construction and rehabilitation of health facilities include projects such as the Lupane Provincial Hospital; health posts in Mutasa, Mashayamvura; four in Gokwe North; three in Centenary district; 30 polyclinics and five district hospitals, among others.

Overall, the Ministry of Health and Child Care got 11 percent of the total allocations.

The health sector is expected to receive US$212,9 million from development partners next year.

In the first nine months of 2022, the sector received US$408,3 million, which went towards maternal, new-born, child adolescent and reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis (TB) and malaria prevention programmes, including strengthening of health delivery systems.

Community Working Group on Health (CWGH) executive director Mr Itai Rusike said in nominal terms the health budget appropriation improved marginally from 10,6 percent in 2022 to about 11,2 percent in 2023.

“In spite of the huge external support from development partners, there is still a huge financing gap in the health sector in the country, which calls for greater innovation and commitment by the Government to sustainably address it,” he said.

“In line with the President’s mantra that ‘Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo’, it is important to increase public spending in the health sector for the attainment of universal health coverage that ensures that no one and no place is left behind.”

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