
NEW: Developers urged to build upwards

30 Oct, 2024 - 16:10 0 Views
NEW: Developers urged to build upwards In an interview with The Sunday Mail, construction engineering expert Engineer Mandlenkosi Richard Musundulwani said players in the construction industry should take heed of President Mnangagwa’s call for them to think outside the box and implement measures that counters the economic sanctions.

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BUSINESSES have been urged to construct high-rise buildings as a way of maximising land use and putting the economy on an upward trajectory that fosters greater business and investor confidence.

In an interview with The Sunday Mail, construction engineering expert Engineer Mandlenkosi Richard Musundulwani said  players in the construction industry should take heed of President Mnangagwa’s call for them to think outside the box and implement measures that counters the economic sanctions.

“President Mnangagwa has, on many occasions, urged players in the construction industry to think outside the box as a way of countering the economic sanctions.”

“There is need for players in this sector to adopt modern construction strategies and build upwards,” Engineer Musundulwani said.

He urged both businesses and households to construct high-rise buildings.

“High-rise buildings have many advantages over other types of buildings. Most of the high-rise buildings have tight security, shared social amenities and are highly valued,” he said.

He also urged contractors to be innovative.

“As Frontline Contracting, we are working with foreign investors and councils to introduce modern architectural and engineering designs that are designed to change single storey buildings into high rise buildings,” he added.

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