Online Reporter
The Cotton Company of Zimbabwe (COTTCO) and the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) have warned cotton farmers who received farming inputs under the Presidential Input Scheme against side marketing their harvest.
In a joint statement issued this Thursday, ZRP spokesperson, Commissioner Paul Nyathi and COTTCO chief executive officer Mr Roki Mutenha, said farmers who engage in side-marketing of cotton produced under the Presidential Input Scheme will be arrested.
‘’COTTCO is the official off-taker of all the seed cotton produced under the Presidential Input Scheme. The broader commitment by Government in rolling out this program is to ensure sustenance, employment creation, rural development and bolstering of the cotton value chain in line with National Development Strategy 1 and Vision 2030,” they said.
This season, COTTCO is making immediate payments for cotton delivered at common buying points.
“Farmers are strongly encouraged to secure their funds and minimize the risks of robberies, as well as the potential loss of funds,” they said.
“Under the Presidential Inputs Scheme, farmers receive inputs such as seeds, chemicals, fertilizers, tillage and agronomy support at no cost. In return, they are expected to establish, maintain and deliver seed cotton to COTTCO when marketing commences.”