Malven Mugadzikwa
September 2024 saw a fresh sound reverberating through the Zimbabwean gospel music scene as a new musical outfit, Grace Melodies Choral Group, released their first song, ‘Tongomunamata’.
With ‘Tongomunamata’ making waves, the gospel ensemble released two other singles in October, that is ‘Ndinotsvaga Baba’ and ‘Watinonamata’.
“Through our music, people should realize the presence of God. We want to worship and encourage others to worship through our music,” said Faith Chinembiri, one of the five members of the group.
On ‘Tongomunamata’, Chinembiri said: “The song quickly gained traction, especially among apostolic enthusiasts who resonated with the message.
“It was a declaration of faith, a call to continue praying despite the trials one faces, with the reminder that God is the redeemer.”
The Grace Melodies group, composed entirely of ladies, the eldest being 26, is expecting its first album in March 2025.
“We are already working on our first album which we are expecting to release next year in March.
“We want to make sure that with every note, we build a unique, heart-stirring sound that is rooted in our shared faith,” said Peace Mafundikwa, another member of the group.
Specialising in gospel acapella, the group has brought a refreshing vocal harmony that echoes the styles of Zimbabwe’s renowned gospel groups Vabati VaJehovha and Followers of Christ.
The influence of the two musical groups is evident in their music.
“These two groups have motivated us to start our own ensemble. They have reached a wider audience through their apostolic music and they have achieved this through spreading the word of God.”
She said the group wants to see their music going international.
“We also wish to see our music being recognised beyond Zimbabwean borders. The word of God is universal, and our music must transcend national lines.
“It’s not just about reaching Zimbabwe, it’s about reaching the whole world,” said Mafundikwa.