The Sunday Mail

Motivation for greatness from Easter story

This is a special weekend and very special Sunday.

All over the world we celebrate the life and the work of a Man who changed the course of history. His beginning was small, yet his end was great.

Where you start does not matter, what matters is where you are going and the vision you have. You are not just a historical statistic but you are special.

No one can take your place, think your thoughts, or have your finger prints. You have a special place that no one can take. You are too important to be ignored. Look up to the possibilities you have and elevate the size of your dream and the actions you take.

You have likely heard his name, Jesus the Christ. Some call him Jesus of Nazareth.

His legacy lives on today in the lives of his many followers, of whom I am part and the institution that he set up that is called the Church. Whether you are a Christian or not there are many secrets that you can learn from Jesus, and the story of Easter, that will help you to unleash your greatness.

You cannot make a change sitting in the same place

The coming of Jesus was a big decision and a clear realisation that you can never make any change sitting in the same place.

He, therefore, came with a mission and then focused on that mission. Focus makes all the difference.

You also have a mission. As you serve and do your work you aim to reveal God’s goodness to people.

Be alive to your mission and make a difference daily to someone’s life. When you live with the awareness that your life matters you behave like your life matters. If you have nothing important to do you can easily play with and abuse your life.

Jesus was a man on a mission. His life was filled with so much mission-focused activity. He was on the move, doing things, touching lives and making a difference.

The same is true for you.

Nothing will happen if you keep waiting and hoping that time will change anything. Time does not change anything except your age. Nothing changes simply because you are waiting for it to change.

You have to be the change you envision. Through your focused and relentless action you can change ages and times. Do not wait for things to happen in order to change, decide to happen on things in order for change to come.

Get into the action mode and be on the move. Engage your life and make things happen. You do not have the luxury to be idle. If you cannot do big things, then do small things in a big way. It was easy for Jesus to adopt the posture of a victim and to look for all the excuses he could find.

Your story will not change by sitting still, complaining loud, and being bitter that someone has not made your life better. Get into the action mode and press eject on the victim button.

Move something, touch someone in a special way, do something and keep moving and do not stop because someone else suggests that you cannot do something. Be possibility minded and action focused. Get busy with the project of active living and quit an idle existence.

Leave the past

You have heard the story of Jesus birth and his circumstances of birth. Jesus had to overcome the stigma of a questionable background.

He lived his life facing forward not backwards. He was born in a little insignificant town. He slipped into time and the great ones of his time had no idea who had come around.

Those who choose not to have revelation cannot believe the circumstances of his birth. He did not have the advantages of the modern world but all that did not deter him and serves as a lesson to us.

Close the chapter on your past and do not build your life around your past but around your future. Stop insisting on the past and insist on a compelling vision of the future. Never follow anyone who wants to take you back to the past, follow a positive and inspiring vision to create miracles.

The past offers few improvement opportunities, but the future is an inexhaustible canvas of possibilities. Your past is over – it’s expired, do not build your existence around expired molecules.

Many people spend their lives studying their limitations. They pass their time looking for reasons why they cannot do things.

They investigate all the obstacles that are in their way. They look for other people that also failed to strengthen their convictions and get solace. They share stories of things that never worked and strengthen their negative convictions.

Not for this son of Mary! He spent his time doing what others call impossible. Instead of looking at his limitations and disadvantages he used his advantage. Put your limitations behind you and your opportunities ahead of you. It is not what you cannot do that matters but what you can do with what you have. You have so much power and potential in you.

Do not park in the past and hope to speed into the future.

Instead of studying your limitations and being obsessed with your excuses, study your opportunities, and potential. Investigate your possibilities and do miracles. Do those things that other people think are impossible. Miracles can be done, are being done and you cannot miss out on your turn.

Be committed

If you have not found something to commit to then you may have just resigned to being a passing unstable shadow.

No way, and not you. Greatness comes through commitment and firm decision. Many people keep stating options instead of making a commitment and taking action.

For Jesus he was so committed to his cause that he risked being unpopular in his day with those that felt that he was a threat. He committed himself to his cause and was focused, despite challenges, nay-sayers and opposers. He took relentless action. Even when he had to die it was part of his great cause.

You can kill a person, but never his noble mission.

Are you committed to your goals and mission or just stating options? While others are calculating and wondering whether they should or should not commit, just take action.

If you have not found anything worth dying for you are living in the safe lane and may not become great unless you decide today to take a different course. Your commitment is not revealed by what you say but by the words and decisions you make.

Make no small commitments and take no small actions. Playing small does not solve anything, playing average does not cure anything, playing mediocre does no good to save anyone.

Think really big and bold and take giant steps. Where you were born does not matter; it is what you do that matters most. Think big and enlarge the scale of your ambitions.

Scale of ambitions

You cannot think micro and hope to be great in the macro landscape. The biggest thing holding you back is the way you think. Change your thinking and you change your life.

You cannot act micro and manifest macro. You cannot compute micro and execute macro. Match the scale of your ambition to your mission.

This is what Jesus did.

He enlarged the scale of his ambition and mission. His mission was global. He assigned his followers to blaze new trails and go to the end of the earth.

So it is with you. Your village and town are not the ends of the world.

There is nothing wrong with your place of time of birth. You were born at the right time and you are in the right place.

Milton Kamwendo is a leading international transformational and motivational speaker, author, and executive coach. He is a cutting strategy, innovation, team-building and leadership facilitator and a consultant. His life purpose is to inspire greatness. Feedback:, Twitter @MiltonKamwendo WhatsApp +263772422634. His website is:








Start making big moves and taking some big bets in the direction of your mission and goals. You do not have to be apologising for your circumstances and where you are.

Stop feeling inferior and thinking that the whole world owes you anything.

Take personal responsibility and massive action. As you take action many things will also start moving in your favour.

No one is born great, everyone is born a baby. You have to fashion your greatness and do whatever it takes to elevate your life and fulfil your mission.

Move with resolve and take giant steps and daily actions.

No one is born with great knowledge, you have to learn and expose yourself. You have to invest in growing your capabilities. Stop executing yourself for not knowing and not being able to do things.

Break the inertia and whatever you do not know you can learn. Whatever you have not become it is because you have not invested your time in learning and mastering. What you know now you discovered.

What you will know you will have to discover.

Committed to your greatness.
