The Sunday Mail

Mother Touch Group of Schools

After witnessing a great level of excellence, organization and growth manifesting at Mother Touch Group of Schools, It’s a very unbelievable reality, that this great academic institution was founded by a visionary individual who had no political muscle, no donor funding or an inheritance – all means by which some individuals managed to make their dreams come true.

Instead Mrs. Salome Mutsinze only had God’s calling, obedience, family support, hard work, perseverance and good leadership skills as her tools to build such a great and strong academic institution. It started on very humble beginnings and it is amazing how God can turn the ordinary things into extra-ordinary products.

Mother Touch vision is to become the most preferred, comprehensive learning institutionmade up of Early Childhood Development (E.C.D.), Junior, High and Tertiary education with excellent standards of instruction provided by well trained staff to produce well rounded and grounded young men and women with the potential to become leaders.

Our values; love, integrity, diligence, team work, excellence and professionalism plus ourdedicated, diligent staff and the wisdom from the Lord through the visionary Mrs. S. Mutsinze, Mother Touch is the place to trust the best out of your children’s future. Our excellent services are at your door step, for a very affordable prize.

Mother Touch Group of Schools as it stands today is a comprehensive learning institution made up of three learning centres comprising of Early Childhood Development (with two branches), a Junior School and a High School comprising of form 1 to 6. The learning institution is registered with the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Schools. It is also a centre for Zimbabwe SchoolsExamination Council (ZIMSEC), High Schools Examinations Council (HEXCO) and Cambridge International Examinations to mention a few.

Our Group of schools has superb infrastructure, very conducive for the holistic development of a child from early childhood to secondary level. We have spacious classrooms on double story blocks, a beautiful chapel, state of the art sporting facilities and an Olympic size swimming pool and our curriculum is very wide including driving lessons to our senior students and the general public.

For the convenience of the busy parent, our weekly boarding house is your solution. We offer excellent services that match, the ideal home. Our facilities are smart and spacious and our meals, healthy and generous.

The story of Mother Touch Group of Schools does not end here, but rather, it is just the beginning. It is true that Mother Touch Group of Schools has made history in its 15 yearsof existence, but it is also true that the greatest of history or story is yet to unfold and be documented. We have land readily available to build our High school boarding facilitya university and camping site.

Mother Touch is a one stop shop, for your child’s holistic development in a conducive andChristian environment with a motherly touch to children so as to produce confident, disciplined independent and responsible boys and girls with the ability to shape the future.