The Sunday Mail

MARRIAGE: Types of soul ties

Soul ties can be put in two basic categories, namely godly souls and ungodly soul ties. In other words, there are good soul ties and bad soul ties.

The soul tie between David and Jonathan was a good soul tie. It was a godly soul tie while a soul tie between a man and his mistress is an ungodly one. The following features or characteristics distinguish godly soul ties from ungodly soul ties.


They are based on love

They are reinforced by godly behaviour

They function within godly boundaries

They result in blessing and wholeness


They are created through sinful relationships and activities

They are founded on lust or selfish desire

They are reinforced by sinful behaviour

They function outside God’s boundaries

They lead to greater sin

They result in bondage and destruction


You think of or ‘see’ someone in your mind when you are intimate with your spouse

Someone whose voice your hear in your head

Tendencies to be domineering and controlling in a relationship

Obsessive pre-occupation with another to the neglect of the things of the Lord

Dreaming or waking up at night thinking about someone on a regular basis

Your feelings go haywire when you bump into your EX

Cyber –stalking your EX on social networks

Loss of your individuality

Loss of your spiritual equilibrium and ability to love others

Inability to establish and maintain healthy relationships

Shutting down emotionally

Lack of judgment and discernment

An unhealthy or unnatural attraction to people even to your own detriment

Even when the relationship is over, you cannot stop thinking about the person. You cannot get over the relationship. In fact you will do anything to keep the relationship going.

Every time you see the person or talk to them even though the relationship is over, you are drawn to them.

Davison & Gwendoline Kanokanga, Founders & Trustees of The Marriage Centre, Founders & Senior Pastors of Impact Christian Centre