The Sunday Mail

Managing conflict in the boardroom

It is wise to mention the code of conduct during orientation


Dr Proctor Nyemba

KNOWING how to resolve conflict is a skill. In a world where everyone has different experiences, skills and opinions, conflict is unavoidable.

The same holds true for boardrooms.

The board has the duty of stimulating the flow of ideas, identifying key issues affecting the business and making informed decisions.

This often calls for deliberation and debates.

However, these positive processes can sometimes turn into boardroom conflicts.

Therefore, company directors need to understand the source of the disagreement and come up with measures to resolve it.

If not addressed as soon as possible, the effectiveness of the board and the organisation’s performance will suffer.

Knowing how to resolve conflict is vital if you are to succeed as a board and a leadership team.

Key takeaways of this guide

Boardroom conflicts can arise instantly or develop over a long period

The first step to preventing conflict is clarifying the roles and responsibilities of the board and management

Another way to tackle disputes in boardrooms is by coming up with a robust code of conduct

The responsibility of settling disputes falls on the chairperson

Each board member needs to understand their roles and responsibilities

If the chairperson cannot resolve an issue, an authority from the outside can help

Director training is required to become an effective board member

What causes boardroom conflicts?

Boardroom conflicts can arise instantly or develop over a long period. There are many potential sources of disputes in boardrooms, and the common ones include:

The financial and structural process of an organisation

Fresh developments related to strategies like acquisitions and mergers

Audit conclusions

Director’s attitudes and behaviours

The board’s process, including schedules and meeting structures

Leadership or board compositions

Risk and crisis management

Varying views on organisational goals and strategies

Unclear role and responsibilities

Involvement of shareholders’ families in business matters

The first step to preventing conflict is clarifying the roles and responsibilities of the board and management.

Otherwise, you are just inviting disputes and impairing the board’s effectiveness.

The organisation’s board needs to develop committee charters, which describe the committee’s authorities and responsibilities.

Management also needs to understand what role it plays and that of the board.

This will help prevent board meetings from being consumed by irrelevant matters the management is supposed to handle.

Issues can also arise when the board thinks management should handle a specific area, but the management believes it is the board’s role.

Have a written code of conduct

Another way of tackling disputes in boardrooms is by coming up with a set of strict rules and values chairpersons and executive directors need to follow.

It is wise to mention the code of conduct during orientation.

Have a written list of disrespectful behaviours towards others that can cause conflict.

You can also include relevant summaries on matters such as privacy, specific interactions, conflict of interest and business matters.

Apply dispute resolution techniques

The chairperson can adopt conflict resolution techniques from negotiation and mediation to create the desired friendly environment. The techniques can help encourage discussions, debates and the free flow of opinions.

While the responsibility of settling disputes falls on the chairperson, any skilled director with collaborative conflict management skills can draw on mediation techniques to find common ground.

Besides, they can help boards establish orderly decision-making and consensus formation on issues they need to address.

In turn, this boosts the board’s performance. Such peacemakers can negotiate a win-win solution, take perspective, identify and express their interests, and contain strong emotions.

Hold each board member accountable.

Each board member needs to understand their roles and responsibilities in the organisation. Even when there is a code of conduct, the board can still disagree on various matters, leading to a conflict. It is the role of the chairperson or board leader to ensure each member behaves in a civil manner, whether or not there is a disagreement.

Besides that, board members should hold each other accountable for following the prescribed rules and guidelines.

They should remind each other about meeting protocols.

If there is tension between members during a meeting, the chairperson needs to hold a private conversation with the parties.

This helps to prevent the tension from spilling over and becoming a dispute.

Find an arbitrator

Ensure the individual you bring has no relationships with conflicting groups to promote total fairness. If the chairperson cannot resolve an issue, an authority from the outside can help mediate the conflict. For example, the organisation’s CEO or board chairperson can be the mediator.

Alternatively, you can hire a third party to provide counsel to the disagreeing parties.


Conflicts are part and parcel of every boardroom. Disputes are positive and boost the board’s effectiveness and the organisation’s performance. However, sometimes they might get out of hand, leading to damage and trouble.

If not addressed, the conflict can escalate and undermine the board’s ability to make good decisions.

Dr Proctor Nyemba helps board members and executives understand their role in governance so they can succeed in the boardroom. For comments and feedback, please send to zw or Call 0772469893