The Sunday Mail


President Mugabe

Updates by Simiso Mlevu and Costa Mano

1718: The rally has come to an end and with that our updates. Thank you for joining us.

1717: Cde George Rutanhire is now giving the vote of thanks. He says the province lagging in terms of education but since independence it has been moving along with other province. He says it should be known that the party cannot survive without the people. He thanks President Mugabe and First Lady Dr Grace for their care. He finishes his remarks.

1710: Cde Kasukuwere is now on the podium and is introducing some of the party leaders who came for the rally.

1710: “Pamberi nokubatana! Pasi neMDC!” President Mugabe ends his address.

1708: “Tikaenda kuma elections tisakudzikana hatizo bude ne apona apona yatakabuda nayo muna 2013…Cde Mafios vati tinostvaira asi rambai makadaro muchiziva kuti pasi apa vakabatana. Tinoda kukutendai, tichange tichiita ma rallies nenyaya yandataura yekuti mangwana redu tingarambe tichi kumbira chikafu here kana kuti toita zvema projects e irrigation.

1701: “Kanzuru yakati kune ZAOGA tipei $2 million isu tikazviramba kuti kwete, inzvimbo yehurumende…panyaya yechikafu regai kubvutirana, kudya ngakuve nekugovewa zvakanaka,”

1658: “Kuma war veterans edu hatidi kumuudzwe zvisirizvo, mutukirire ma leaders hatidi izvozvo. Musangano wakazouya mapurisa tanga tisina kuudzwa…tanga tauya kuzokupembedzai nechikoro chenyu chitsva ichi,”

1653: “Ikozvino vanoti vane masecrets akati wandei eZanu,”

1652: “Mai Mujuru ndevenyu ka kunoku…madzimai akati takuda kuti kuve naVice President wechidzimai ivo madzimai vakafara..hameno pfungwa dzakauya sei sezvo ndagara pachigaro che number 2 ichi ko number 1 haigonekwe here?”

1649: “Ngativei vanhu vane hungwaru tirege kuzvi devider, honai zvi party zvinongo kwachuka… havana ideology, havana pfungwa dzakanaka, havana hunangwa. Chavanongoda chi? Mugabe ngaabve, Zanu Mugabe akabva chamunoda kuitira nyika chii?”

1645: Pfungwa yaive yekuti kana President akaruza ndiye anenge aruza..vasingazive kuti kwete yerwudzi irworo yekuti mune majority mu Parliament yakafa kare kwatakabva kunguva ya Banana..iyi i executive Presidency, ndeyane if the President loses it doesn’t matter you have a majority in Parliament, waruza,”

1642: “Vana Mujuru vakada kuzviita mu 2008 nana Simba Makoni..Mujuru waiti vanhu havanga tambudzike munyika muno nenyaya yema sanctions. Akupomera ini mhosva yemasanctions, saka Mugabe ngaabve pachigaro…ndokufurirana na Simba Makoni kuita chiparty chavo Mavambo.

“Ndokufamba kuma province vachiti regai kuvhotera President vakawhinha kare.”

1638: President Mugabe says there will be a meeting with war veterans in the first week of April. He promises to listen to the issues affecting the war veterans but at the same time he also wants some war veterans to toe the line. He says some having been abusing him and the First Lady.

“Ko..kana ndichibva, hanti ndakabva kuma elections? Takaenda kuma elections kuti ndibve pabasa nguva isati yakwana.”

1635: “Kana pane vamwe varasa pfungwa ndodzatinoda kuti dzitwasanuke.”

1632: “The war of liberation was fought for the black majority to live well, to be owners of the land..that’s why we said in Lancaster that we need land reform in Zimbabwe. We said the British should pay compensation and not the black people who were forcefully removed from the land,”

1624: President Mugabe narrates the tribulations encountered by guerrilla fighters in the war for independence.

1622: “Kuno ndokwakavamba proper guerrilla struggle…kana ana Smith vakadura.”

1620: President Mugabe says food is available but transport has been the problem leading to poor deliveries. he promises that the issue of transport is being looked into.

1618: President Mugabe says the reason for the trip was the official opening of ZEGU. He says the province was lagging behind in the number of schools that affected the education of some people from the province but since independence things have improved. ZEGU being the second university in the province.

1615: President Mugabe is now on the podium.

1611: Zanu-PF National Political Commissar Cde Saviour Kasukuwere has now asked President Mugabe to address the gathering.

1610: The First Lady Dr Grace Mugabe is on the podium and she chants party slogans.

1609: Speaking on behalf of War Veterans, Cde John Chidewe says the association is fully behind the leadership of RG Mugabe.

“What Mutsvangwa and Matematanda are doing is wrong. They are lost Takuzovanyudza.”

1603: Cde Mafios says the state of development in Mash Central is appalling.

“Government departments are doing very little to advance development in the province. We are not reporting them Shefu but simply telling you what is bothering us.

He likened the President to Jesus Christ adding “Shefu muriCremora”

1556: Mashonaland Central provincial chairperson Dickson Mafios says the province is 100% behind the President.

“Shefu, people do not have anything to eat in this province. They are hungry and the food that you have been giving them is being distributed corruptly.”

1553: Scores of people are gathered at Chipadze Stadium for the scheduled address by President Mugabe.