The Sunday Mail

‘Let them go’

President Mugabe’s address at the Presidential Youth Interface in Bulawayo yesterday.


Ndasimuka pazuva ranhasi kuti muno muBulawayo. . .tinzwe pfungwa dzemuno muBulawayo nekuti constituency dzomuno dzanga dzichihwinhwa neopposition.

Saka tauya takazvisimbaradza mupfungwa kuti zvatinoita nhasi zvipe musandu kuvanhu nenhengo dzedu dzemuBulawayo. We want change! Bulawayo must change. Tinotenda. I am glad that so many have come out.

It’s the second city to Harare, and we can’t afford to be losing it. But what I did not expect, which I had a bit of information about, was that some people had arranged to send persons here to boo the First Lady.

The First Lady vanotaura zvechokwadi zviri pamoyo. Hatinganyarare tirambe tichinyarara tichinzwa kuti kune vanhu, nanhasi wese, kuMasvingo kune vanonzi vari kuti province ino haisi yavaMugabe; province ino ndeyavaMnangagwa.

KuMidlands the same.

Varipo vanotiudza. There are members veikoko, asi vanhu vashoma ivavo vanonzi vari kudaro, vanotinyomba zuva nezuva, we are insulted. President anogara achitukwa ikoko nevanhu ivavo. Asi tine vanhu vedu, huzhinji hwevanhu vanotevera gwara; vanoda kubatana nevamwe. Havade huny’any’a ihwohwo.

Ko, ndinotukwa muzita ravaMnangagwa kuti kuno ndekwa vaMnangagwa. Ko, ndakatadza here kuti ndiite appoint vaMnangagwa as deputy wangu?  Kana ndakatadza ndinovadonhedza mangwana chaiwo.

Kana vachida kuvamba musangano wavo neavo vanovasapota ngava vambe. Ngava vambe.

Hatingaite musangano wokunyombana pano.

I don’t like that!

Zvaorganizwa, takanzwa kuti kuri kuorganizwa, and I do not like that. Vanoda kumira kushure kwangu, vomira kushure kwangu.

Vasingade ngavaende.

Those who do not want, let them go. Let them go!

Hatinyengerere vanhu. Hatife takanyengerera vanhu. It doesn’t matter who it is. Kana zvasvika pakadai, tinoti zvasvika zvino pakuti tichiita final decision.

Tiri kuenda kumaelections, tiri kuenda kuCongress. KuCongress ikoko ndokwaticha decider zvakawanda.

Asi ndati ndizvitaure here because I am annoyed.

Zuva ranhasi ratiri kuti taakupedzisa interface tonzwa all this nonsense.


So, nhengo, vanozviti tiri varume vemusangano vari kuMasvingo, you prepare to form your own party. We can’t have you, we can’t have you insulting us day in, day out. Hazviite. VanaMatuke muri chii?

What do you think you are? Okay, go your way, we go our way.

Tinoda kutenda kuunganidza kwamaita vanhu.

Tinokutendesesai rwendo rwamafamba interface.

Makambofamba (One Million Man March) iya; yakabudirira zvakakomba vanhu vasina kuitarisira kuti iri kubudirira.

Asi yakabudirira. Ndopatakazovamba interface.

Tinofara isu. Tinokususukidzai mayouth edu. Ndokusaka takati hamungashaikwe kufestival yenyu kuRussia.

Saka ndakasarudza ini kuti ndege yangu muende nayo, ini ndokwasha imwe yatingabhadhare kuenda kuUruguay. Ndozvatakaita izvozvo.

Ndinofara kuti makaenda makanomira nevamwe makanopembera muchizvipembedza mayouth epasi pano. That’s what we want to see neleadership yenyu yatinorumbidza.

Hongu, pachine zvinosungirwa kuitwa. Hamheno kuti tiri kunonokerei; takati ngatitsvagei mota tipe madzimai, tipe vana vedu mota.

Asi zviri kunonoka. Handisati ndanzwa kuti chanonotsa chii. Ndichanzwa kuna vaChombo navaMpofu. Asi vakandiudza kuti dzakabhadharirwa kare.

MaChief wo vakakumbira tikabvuma kuti tichavatengera. Saka naizvozvo, ngationei kuti pamwedzi iwo wuno uyu, November, asati apera, mota dzinenge dzauya.

Tozvisimbaradza, toorganiza zvakasimba. . .gwara, gwara, gwara munoriziva gwara, gwara, gwara. . . munosungirwa kutevera gwara.

Mawar veterans tinoda vegwara. Vasingade kutevera gwara, hamheno; ngavaende zvavo kwavanoda kuenda. Asi, huzhinji vanoda kutevera gwara reparty.

Nekuti vakagara vachiti isu tinotungamirirwa neparty. Politics leads the gun. Ndiyo principle yatakatevera kunze kwenyika. Nanhasi ndozvatichiri kutevera.

Hatimanikidze, aiwa. Tinoda vatinenge tichiti ava ndovatungamiriri vedu. Tichavashara kuCongress zvakanaka-naka. Ndivo vatichasarudzawo pakati pavo kuti vamwe vazomirira matunhu avo, maconstituencies avo – across the country.

Saka, kumadzimai, chichemo chenyu tiri kuchinzwa. Tanga tichiti tinochizadzikisa kuCongress, imi mozvisarudzira vamunoda kuti vakutungamirirei.

Kana pane vamwe vane mamwe mazano, vanotipawo mazano ikoko. Asi tinoda kuti madzimai vave nemufaro wekuti hurongwa hwedu huri kucherechedza our belief in gender yatagara tiinayo, yatakataura, yatinotaura zvakare taenda kuAfrican Union kuti isu tine gender principle yokuti madzimai edu vave pamwe chete nesu varume.

Takavasimudzira tichibva kufundo.

We have raised the stature of our women. Whereas yesterday our grandparents did not see any value in educating women, we have changed that.

We see immense value in educating the girl child. So, we have now, in our secondary institutions, together there are slightly more women, more girls than boys, which is good for a change.

So, we would want the girls to go on and on, and all that defeatism that we had earlier on that oh, girls cannot do science, ngamanga! The girl child is as good, as intellectually capacitated as the boy child.

We now have doctors, lots of women who are doctors and engineers as well, and we want that aspect to come up.

Yesterday, after I had concluded the exercise of capping the graduates at Nust, I wrote in my usual book yavanoti ndiite remarks kuti aah ndinotenda kuti Nust yadzokera kumandate yayo yokuita science and technology, Nust.

But ndakati aah, handina kumboona engineering candidates. Zvikanzi aah, naVice Chancellor, aah but no, no, varipo vanosevenza kumaindustries.

No, that’s not enough. That’s not what I mean. I want to see engineers; people who can make tractors, people who can mechanically produce the products we need for agriculture, even construct an aircraft.

Ndozvatiri kuda. Practical application of your engineering education.

Kwete yekunonyora examination muchipasa. Theory. No. We want, now, the application of theory to practice.

So, our universities must be alert. We need them to go to institutions where there is now practical application of engineering disciplines and not the theoretical aspect that we have pursued in the past.

The first graduation ceremony we had was at HIT, the Harare Institute of Technology. Eh, uko uri kuona kuti vakomana vari kuita zvatinoda zviri mugwara. Vari kutarisa kuti kuagriculture ndezvipi zvinodiwa? Mishonga inodiwa ndeipi tiwongorore? Kuma industry ndeapi mainstrument anodiwa?

And you have young people working to construct structure, implements we need in our industry.

Ndoyatinoda engineering yakadaro, kwete yekunyora maB muchipasa chete.

Tiri kuenda iye zvino to the second phase yeagricultural programme yedu, but we have enhanced it. VekuCabinet vanoyeuka zvatakati gore rino tinosungirwa kuita. Takambotarisira kuti mvura ichanaya, asi ndakanzwa kuti nezuro yakanaya zvakakomba kudivi reHarare, etcetera.

So, we must gear ourselves for that.

Tinoda kuti magrains awande.

Akawandisisa, zvipfuyo zvedu tinoda kuti tizvipewo kudya kwatinorima, kwasanogaiwa, kwasano sanganiswa nezvimwe zvakadaro. Zvinoita kuti mombe dzive nenyama yakanaka, nguruve dzive nenyama yakanaka, nehuku – aye atinoti maroad runners aye ane mapellets anokwaniswa kuitwa nesu kuti dzinge dzakasimba kwete kutatarika sezvinoita twumwe tujongwe tuchitadza kumhanya, hatidi kudaro.

Towanzawo nguruve.

I am happy kuti vakawanda vave nenguruve. Hwai aah. . .dzichiri shoma. Totarisa kunze kuti mamarkets atingave nawo ndeapi takada kurima hwai. KumaArab ndochidyo chavo chehwai, nyama yehwai. Vamwe havadi yehwai; vanoda mbudzi. Saka zviviri izvi hatizvirime isusu. Tinongochengeta zvipfuyo tichiti zvinokura zvoga; zvinodya musango, mbudzi dzinodyawo musango mashizha dzichikwira matombo, zvichidaro izvo.

Aiwa ngatiitei dzekuchengeta sekuchengeta kwatinoita mombe dzedu.

Mombe dzeduwo dzive nemachengeterwo akanaka adzinoitwawo sezvandataura; kudzirimira huswa, kudzirimira lusen. Vane madairy sesu kuona kuti tiri kupa greenery, greens to the dairy cows kuti dziburitsewo mukaka wakanaka. Izvozvo ndozvezvimwe zvatinofunga kuti zvingaitwe, tingaite pamwaka unowo.

Asi kuvamba iye zvino, kana tanga tisati tasadharara, ngatichisadhararai kuona kuti vanhu vedu vari kuregista here.

Under BVR, zvaakudiwa; tichivatsanangurira. We can’t delay anymore.

Ava vanetwavo, vane chirwere chekuti isu chete tisu tinosungirwa kunzi Zanu-PF nekuti takakosha, tine province yakakura. . .leave them alone.

They are not many anyway.

They are just a handful of idiotic fellows.

Huzhinji hunotosema. Ndivo vanotiudza-ka, huzhinji, kuti kuno uku, hayewa, ndidzo nyaya dziriko idzodzi. Hakusi kwako, hakusi. . .ndekwani? Mungade kundiudza imi kuti kuMasvingo kuya hakusi kwangu ndekwake, achidarirei?

Akarwa hondo yatakarwawo isu?

Kana takarwa imwe chete iyoyo yekuti nyika yose yava yedu pamwe chete, haana kufunda zvatakafunda nguva yese kuti tarwa kudaro, hapana paunoti apa ndepangu hapasi pevamwe vakaenda kuhondo nevakasara vese. The country belongs to us together.

Yilizwe lethu sonke, ebatwini. You have a stake. I have a stake in Matabeleland. You have a stake in Matabeleland.

The narrow-mindedness that some have must condemn them to being outlaws of our party. Hatingamboda kuramba tine vanhu vane kapfungwa ikako munyika, hatidi. Vanoti kuno ndekwanhingi kunosungirwa kutongwa nanhingi. Aaah! Uri kutsvara uri aniko?

We will kick you out, through your buttocks even. Out! Tione kuti unoenda kupi.

Nyika ndeyako iwewe?

Zvamakazova netradition yekuti makagara muri kokoko uko, vamwe vakagara vari kwaMurehwa, vamwe vachigara vari kuMatabeleland zvaita kuti iwe ubva wati, nekuti uri kuitira toilet ikoko, wobva wati ndekwangu.

Kwandinoendera mudondo ndekwangu.

Aaah, to hell with you! To hell! Regai kubvuma izvozvo munyika yenyu.

You must not listen to that rubbish.

But what annoys me is that our VPs have been silent about it, vari ivo vari kunzi tinoda kuti ndimi; kuno uku ndekwa ngana. Iwe woti tonho.

Aiwa. That I can’t accept. Aiwa. Tingadai tisina kunzwanana, but we will sit down and discuss all these matters.

Tinosungirwa kugara musangano wedu and we straighten these matters.

Vari in charge nemafinances edu, in charge ne the programmes dzatakati dzinosungirwa kuitwa dzemota, please. . . Nhasi iSaturday; mangwana Svondo.

Svondo rinouya tell me kuti mota dzasvika papi. We can’t wait anymore. Kana zvichireva kuti tinonodzitora kuPort Elizabeth ndokwadzakaungana, let’s go there and fetch them.

We can’t continue.

November haipfuri. Ko, dzichashanda papi?

Hatidi kudaro. Ndinoda kukutendai – nguva dzaakuenda kusiriko – nekuda kwekuuya kwamaita Bulawayo. Let Bulawayo regard this as a re-awakening. This interface is a re-awakening of Bulawayo, a new re-awakening. A new re-awakening, and we shall not again be seen lacking in support of our party, Zanu-PF.

We shall not allow the opposition to take the lead. No!

That is a pledge we must make. If it means staying awake and organising the people and sleeping only three or four hours, let’s do so.

Let’s do in the interest of our city, in the interest of our people. ELupane, they showed us that lesson. It was excellent there. But we know we have had problems here koBulawayo. But anyway, those who came out were many. They could have been better, but it is a start.

Abadala balapa, vhukani!

Get up and regard this as an obligation, obligation to get Bulawayo on top and not allow Tsvangirai naana Khupe to be ahead of you. Aah. . .

And those surrounding, Mat North, Mat South, help Bulawayo. People from Emathonjeni, and people from Plumtree, from lower Gweru etcetera. . .you can spare some time to help Bulawayo redeem itself. So, I say to you: Have in mind the need for us to be strong, strong-willed and not to be cowed by the few vanoda kufamba vachida kukanganisa musangano wedu. Kuorganiza mabhazi kuuya kuno kuzoita boo. To boo who in the party?

Vanhu vanotaura zviri different from you, hanzi tovaorganizira. I don’t like that. And I know where the buses came from. Ndokune hwuny’any’a ikoko kumarara.

So, let’s stay together.

Those who want the party and want the leadership, and those who believe in my leadership, fine.

Kana vamwe vasingade kuti ndive leader wavo, fine. They should find another leader where they want. And I will not stand in their way at all. I have been in the party on the basis of my belief in the party, in the principles of the party and that’s what I still believe.

We don’t go against the rules and principles of the party. We do not put ourselves ahead of the party and say aah tinoda ngana. Uyo anodiwa nevanhu hatimude, uri ani anodaro? Ah, come on! Anyway, we will talk about this much more in the party nekuCongress kwese, Central Committee kwese. We must straighten this thing out and kill it. Vanenge vasingade vachirambirira, sticking to it, let them go.