The Sunday Mail

Inspired by Prophetess

Dheliwe Zigori in Australia
I am a young sister to Dr Wutawunashe and I got born again through the witness and travail of her and her husband, Prophet Andrew Wutawunashe.

That brought a transformation in my life as a young girl as I received a lot of inspiration, training and mentoring in the things of God.

After I got married and was blessed with four children, I continued to receive, through their ministry, guidance and support for life situations and challenges.

With the inception of Precious Stone Ministry in 1991, I wholeheartedly received the word which God revealed to my sister about the value and potential of the woman. I embraced it, not as a word from a blood sister but as from the Lord and I accepted Dr Wutawunashe as my spiritual mother, mentor, and role model.

I learnt how to be a Godly young wife, to develop myself economically by doing small projects according to the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31. I even ventured into a transport business. I learnt how to raise children practically. We had extensive weekly meetings where we gathered in our Precious Stone groups to learn from our mother and from each other.

My husband died when I was only 36 years old. My eldest daughter was fourteen and the youngest was 18 months old. This was a challenging time of my life but I gave myself to learning as I needed guidance with this new status of widowhood.

Dr Wutawunashe took me through biblical teachings of widowhood as in Isaiah 54 and 1 Timothy 5 and taught me to be productive and to depend on God in all things. I obeyed that word and worked with my hands, doing various projects, knitting, buying and selling.

Truly God helped me to make money for myself and to raise and educate my children comfortably and to maintain a standard of excellence in my lifestyle.

With God’s help I was able also to give to the work of God and to stretch out my hand to give to the needy. This I learnt from our mother’s loving and practical ways as she usually gathers different groups of women in order to minister to them and I have realised learning is always possible if one submits to teaching. I am strong and knowledgeable this day and can teach others wherever I am because I am always a student of God’s word. I journeyed through life with Dr Wutawunashe as my mentor. I moved to Australia mainly to avail opportunities for my young children and because of the spiritual and practical training I have received.

I have impacted many lives of people around me first in Zimbabwe where it all began and now in Australia where I am. In all this, it does not mean that I do not face challenging situations but in everything I open my life to correction and guidance.

I notice that my children have developed the same attitude and have also found a spiritual leader and mentor in Dr Wutawunashe. I desire to work for and become all that God has ever meant for me, spiritually, economically, socially, intellectually.

This is why, at the age of above 40, I decided to develop myself by breaking through the education system, pursued and attained my first degree in nursing at age 44. I have also just completed studies in Counselling to build up resources I need for my vision.

It’s my sincere hope that all ladies, particularly those from Zimbabwe, will take advantage of this year’s convention and take time to receive powerful ministry and teaching that will greatly transform their lives. God bless you all.