The Sunday Mail

Inside the world of sanctions on Zim

Dr Norbert Hosho

WE continue to unpack the book “Sanctions Against Zimbabwe: Debilitating effects, resilience in adversity and envisioned way forward”.

This instalment demystifies common misperceptions surrounding the sanctions issue in Zimbabwe.

Economic invasion

The end of the liberation war in Zimbabwe meant the new political administration shifted focus to promote the people’s wellbeing.

High on the list of priorities was national economic security — the ability to protect or advance economic interests in the face of existing threats.

Zimbabwe is part of the world economy, hence, enhancing its economic security heightens Zimbabwe’s physical security, because there may be instances where a military response might be needed.

And a strong military response against threats requires strong economic underpinnings.

Economic instruments can also serve as a non-military form of defence.

The impact of sanctions by the United States and its allies has been felt across communities in Zimbabwe.

These illegal and unwarranted sanctions were crafted to make Zimbabwe a dysfunctional State.

They have crippled every sector of the economy, thereby destroying the Zimbabwean dream for many.

Over the years, the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act (ZIDERA) has been modified and re-modified to exert maximum pressure by asphyxiating the economy.

In other words, the US has invested every effort to ensure the lives of ordinary Zimbabweans become unbearable and desperate. Unsurprisingly, over the years, its media has been in overdrive to cast the country’s leadership as incapable while, at the same time, insidiously inciting Zimbabweans to revolt.

The US and its allies have a propensity to invest heavily in institutionally packaged programmes of economic terror towards Africa and other countries to loot natural resources.

But targeted countries such as Zimbabwe have long resisted this.

Zimbabwe, however, does not exist in a vacuum.

ZIDERA has also had an adverse effect on the Southern African Development Community (SADC).

By their nature, the sanctions are extra-territorial, as they seek to influence markets (financials, suppliers and clients) by enforcing compliance through third parties.

A threat to sovereignty

Zimbabwe’s drive to free itself from import dependence and reclaim ownership of all factors and means of production was largely perceived by former colonialists as a serious threat.

Zimbabweans are, however, humbled by the support from SADC and the African Union, which have been steadfastly calling for the unconditional removal of sanctions.

Issues pertaining to the rule of law and human rights transgressions in Zimbabwe are used as a pretext to interfere in Zimbabwe’s affairs.

The Americans and Europeans have always been known for fomenting internal conflict, championing regime change and funding quislings to destabilise mineral-rich countries.

But African leaders have come of age.

They realise there is clear and present danger in the new US strategy of using sanctions to effect regime change.

Sanctions are as good a tool of war as putting boots on the ground.

In both cases, human life is threatened and ordinary people are victims.

Sanctions are a human rights violation; they are an advanced form of modern colonialism.

They have no place in the free world.

The decision by SADC to declare October 25 a day of solidarity with Zimbabwe, through calling for the removal of sanctions, is, therefore, welcome.

Zimbabwe has the right to be free and the right to identify its own strategic partners, protect its own sovereignty and chart a prosperous future for posterity.

No man under the sun knows Zimbabweans’ needs other than Zimbabweans themselves. It is, therefore, incumbent upon Zimbabweans to stand resolute against any form of sanctions.

Why the US and the EU are not happy

But sanctions have failed to accomplish the intended mission of bringing Zimbabwe to its knees.

Thus, the existing sanctions remain illegal.


Dr Norbert Hosho is president and founder of the Zimbabwe Anti-Sanctions Trust, an educationist and trainer in financial literacy, economic empowerment and entrepreneurial leadership. He is author of the book “Sanctions Against Zimbabwe: Debilitating effects, resilience in adversity and envisioned way forward”. He can be contacted on +263773115890 or email or