The Sunday Mail

I’m not a white coated egg

Being virtually honest I’m not a fortune inheritor, my father isn’t a fancy or famous business tycoon who owns a chain of prominent shops in upstate neither do I’ve an empire that I’m entitled to upon anyone’s death.

My father told me wise words four years ago, these are my inheritance, probably my legacy from him. He told me, “Apparently, I’ve no estate to give you to inherit when I die, but I will give you the chance now to create your own.”

My father is a normal man, he works a normal job and I’m a normal kid. I can’t afford Alexandra MacQuin designs, I can’t take my friends out to Lafontaine or Garwe and manage a stable meal.

I’m not a diva, I never spent a solid five dollar note in school on just a single day and it’s out of my bloodline to drive at eighteen.

I’m not trying to seek pity from anyone neither am I in any search of sympathy.

No. In fact I’m actually confident as I utter such words because it is in my best knowledge that I’m not a white coated egg. I’m building my own estate and I don’t despise my years of humble beginnings.

Some of us in schools, colleges, and work places, we are some other people from who we really are. Our mirror image and the outer person we portray, are two distinct things.

Whilst with folks we buy what we cannot afford, we spend more than our earnings, we live lofty than what we are, we speak status greater than our worthy, we live A class lives yet we are still Z and we are proud of ourselves for that.

We would rather chose to bury our true beings to be some other people whom we are not. Most of us are white coated eggs that have viciously and forcefully settled themselves amongst white eggs.

We want to associate ourselves with “the rich n the wealthy”, the bad groups on campus, the hottest trendy people and blindly we sneak in softly to be part of something that we don’t fit.

People of like minds with this, are hardly true to themselves, they live an imaginary life and pretend to be who they are not simply because they want to fit amongst white eggs.

They are gold eggs that have denied themselves satisfaction, hence they have coated their bodies in white paint just to look alike with white eggs and in the end they have a lot to sacrifice to be part of a family from which they don’t belong.

Tell you what? Most eggs are gold and it’s not wrong to be a golden egg. That’s my opinion anyway. If poverty was a crime three quarters of the Zimbabwean population would have been behind bars serving long jail terms.

Luckily it is not. And if you are from a penniless family be more than willing to announce that you are not on high, but that’s the reason you are climbing the ladder.

Your father may not be Bill Gates, your mother could not be Oprah Winfrey, no one in your family owns a Lambo right now, but if you understand that you don’t have to pretend as if you are from the Gates family, but would rather work to be like Bill then you comprehend all there is about satisfaction and success.

The basic principle of going somewhere great isn’t chasing people or living a life more priced than one’s value, it isn’t about hanging out with the wealthiest folk and pretending to be one, it isn’t about promising to take people out to Theo’s House of Coffees when your father is struggling to find money to buy the basics, it isn’t about financing a party with your college fees pretending that your father earn lots, but the basic principle is establishing your position and accepting who you are.

Being yourself and real doesn’t really sound cool especially when your background or current state is wane, worn and poor, but it makes the right things and people find you.

If you understand that your pocket is not as big as a fat balloon and you are just a normal person with big dreams, people will accept you as plain as you are, that’s the advantage of refusing to be a white coated egg.

The ultimate achievement in life is one accepting one’s self and being able to explain to people what one really is without being a lie.

Apparently standing in the shoes of a white coated egg emerges as a pathetic disease.

You have to strain yourself to suit the others. I’m talking sugar daddies and mummies, sleepless nights in the Avenues betraying your true self, taking other people’s hard earned moneys without their due permission, straining relationships with parents as they realize your deceiving manoeuvres and cheating yourself in the process of a better future.

Ultimately, in the end the results of being a fake white egg is losing yourself and any potential engrossed in your capabilities.

Establishing a position in life is always of primal importance. Never try to be a white coated egg, never try to be whom you are not, never overstate your worthy before you have worked, never be more when you are less, rather be real and face the people to say: “My father drives no Lambo, I wear no supra high cuts. I’m a normal kid whose building his own estate.”

And with this, people will accept you as who you are. The world is on the verge of running short of people who have that attitude! People who accept themselves, understand their background and have a vision to go beyond make history.

My very first lesson as a toddler came from my mother and it was about satisfaction. Her intensive emphasis was on being contend, being real and establishment of position.

My mother didn’t teach me to be comfortable with what we have, but to be satisfied. “If we are eating peanuts, be satisfied with what we got, but if you want pizza, don’t be comfortable. You work from the peanuts to get to the pizza.” It’s a statement I would rather tell my kids and encourage them to tell their kids and their kids also because it makes more sense than sense is.

So here it is angels, if it’s your peanut stage, get satisfied with that, but don’t be comfortable, you have to work harder for the pizza stage.

And if in your journey of working from peanuts to pizza you come across those your age in their pizza stage or pretending to be, don’t be a white coated egg, don’t pretend to be one just keep on keeping on in transforming your profile from peanuts to pizza.

The significant problem of white coated eggs is that they belong to neither. Neither gold nor white. They are not part of the white eggs and although inside they remain gold, they don’t feel and look gold no more. Generally, we leave them down the drain as we get to be pizza and join other pizzas whilst they remain peanuts.

It still isn’t a lie when it is said that, being truthful to yourself aids personal growth.

White eggs never grow, they die gold inside, but not distinguished on the surface. If you choose to live amongst dogs whilst a cat, you won’t become a dog, what it simply means is that you will miss out on being yourself and when other cats get fish, you don’t, and when after years you decide to go back to the cat life, other cats are experts in fish hunt and you are a novice who doesn’t really belong.

And for the record white eggs are nobodies. Get an insight from those ahead, the big wigs, if they tell you they were white coated eggs in their early days, slap yourself it’s a dream. The rule is be someone or be no one.