The Sunday Mail

Hunt for Greatness: Live an inspired life, don’t die in bed!

LIFE is not meant to be “died” but to be lived.

Pressures do come and at times they really mount. Demands from a myriad of quarters do come. Embarrassing moments happen. Those who climb up sometimes have to climb down and wear sack-cloth.

Sometimes you feel like running in any direction, so long as you run fast and far. Whatever happens to your life do not die so soon and do not contemplate dying while you are still living.

The biggest tragedy in life is not being humiliated, abused or dying. The real tragedy is dying while you are living. It is being obsessed with death, when life is still poking at you and asking you to come and play. Refuse to be a coward in life.

Refuse to die while you are living. Refuse to expire when you still have potential.

Refuse to freeze in action and expire on the shelf of life.

Benefits of Negativity

Negativity is the shanty dormitory town that many run to for refuge, where their excuses are validated and approved. Negativity has friends, relatives, comrades, cousins and neighbours.

However, all the kinsmen and friends of negativity are loud, always complaining, cynical, glum and depressed.

If you are negative, you have conversation advantage. In a queue, you will always have someone to complain to. If there is no one, you will always have the weather to curse. Negativity makes you an analyst.

Suddenly you give eloquent analyses of what is wrong, who caused it and why it is broken. You always seem intelligent and clued up. Negativity bequeathes you with prophetic powers. Suddenly you can foretell the gloom ahead, the doom we are in and the mess that will never go away.

Many nod, shake their head and walk away. You feel vindicated and satisfied.

At least you have followers who also see what you see and hopefully are experiencing what you are.

Negativity makes you feel needed, appreciated and listened to. In a conversation you are never odd, because everyone is complaining also. You fit in perfectly.

That helps your feelings, but takes you nowhere like a rocking chair.

The only problem with negativity is that it is like sun glasses. When I was young, my father had some dark green sun glasses. I used to sometimes try them and they were fascinating to look through. Putting on the glasses, everything around me had a greenish tint. The colour was so real.

I could swear that the whole world was greenish. That was true until I removed the glasses. Negativity is like my father’s green glasses. Once you are looking at everything through the green negativity glasses everything is negative. Even in the midst of opportunity you will see negativity first. Never forget that while you are putting on your green negativity glasses, not everyone is putting on the glasses.

Never let opportunity pass you by while you linger in negativity.

Do not allow other people’s negativity become yours. As you assemble your choir of negativity singers, do not forget to look closely at who is in your audience.

It just may be that those who see what you do not see are too busy with life to be entertained by your negativity.

Never let those who are not going anywhere discourage you from exploring the world.

Never create your world on the negative and dull templates of the prophecies of the lazy.

You need courage.

To live takes courage. It is easy to give up, lie down and prepare to die. It is easier to dream of your funeral than to have the courage of developing a vision of life. Life is for the courageous and bold. It takes a lot more courage to be positive in a world that is negative. Being positive does not mean that you ignore the facts or choose to close your eyes to what is happening. It means you are willing to look at reality in the face and instead of being scared to death you are inspired to run towards your problems and face them.

Whatever is challenging you, choose to challenge it with positive, focused and visionary action.

Giving up and playing victim will just not do much for you and other victims. Choosing the path of a bold courageous faith will lift you up and open new possibilities on your path.

Dare to live

Dare to dream and take action. Dare to plan and then do. Dare to rise above the chorus of unbelief. The world is waiting for those who dare to challenge their situations and supply solutions. A hero is not someone who was favoured by opportunity and invited to the pleasure party.

A hero is someone who stood, while others were running, who thought of higher ideals while others were thinking only of their skins and comfort. There is opportunity everywhere, but it takes courage to see it and work for it. Lazy thoughts are not a substitute for strategic thinking.

Doing nothing is not a substitute for working. Just hoping and wishing is not working. Thinking you deserve free rides in life will not give you any ride on anything. Thinking anyone owes you a living will not create a liability on their balance sheet.

You are able to do far beyond the suggestions of your situations. You are wiser, stronger and more powerful than you think. Unless you put a demand on your potential, you will remain small, miserable and negative.

Embrace the right fear

Fear is an enemy but it could also be a good friend. Do not fear life, fear living a purposeless life. Do not fear dying, fear dying while you are still alive. Do not fear that what you want to do is impossible, fear to die without having attempted something big, bold and exciting.

Do not fear failure, fear failing to attempt something worthwhile, even though you risk failure.

Do not fear, fear itself, fear living a life without any adrenaline or danger of anything.

Fear living a life where you threaten no one, disturb nothing and influence no one.

It is better to attempt something and fail than to attempt nothing and succeed at living within the tent of your fears.

Indeed, it is careless to take mindless risks.

However, it is mindless, to take no risks in the name of self-preservation. By all means you want to live in such a way that when you die there will be no doubt that you are dead and when you are alive, you are not mistaken for the dead.

Embrace the right fear that fuels you to greatness. Fear being negative, gloomy and uninspired. Refuse to live on the grey-band of life where there is no colour, imagination or excitement.

Refuse to live a life where you are learning nothing, challenged by nothing, pursuing nothing and believing nothing. Opportunities to grow are everywhere, begging for takers.

Never advertise your negativity too much, you may just be advertising you ignorance and lack of vision. Seek the company of those who are doing and marching forward and not those who are discouraged, demotivated, distressed and drunk. If your will die do so in action — any purposeful action.


Milton Kamwendo is a cutting-edge international transformational and inspirational speaker, author and coach. He is a strategy and innovation consultant and leadership coach. His life purpose is to inspire people to release the greatness trapped in them. He can be reached at: and on Whatsup at: 0772422634.