Human body as Garden of Eden

19 Jun, 2016 - 00:06 0 Views

The Sunday Mail

Shingai Rukwata Ndoro Chiseling the Debris

It has been shown here that the first chapter of Genesis is symbolism of the life and psychological condition of humanity embodying two polarities, mythical Adam and Eve. These are in reference to the psychological, biological and sexual energies related to the positive and negative polarities in all forms of life.

Humanity was put “into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it”. (Genesis 2:15)
The Hebrew word that was translated as “dress” is “âbad,” which means to work with, to serve, to till or cultivate. The Hebrew word for “keep” is “shâmar”, which means to guard, to protect and preserve it.

Humanity has inherent agency and it should rule over its body by working for its well-being by protecting and preserving it. Metaphorically, the mythical Adam (Adamah) and Eve (Havvah, the life-bearer) can be considered as having been immature in understanding the importance of the universal infinite life force and the creative principle, in this instance a procreative act.

Therefore, they were as yet “unworthy and unqualified” to receive all the knowledge or understanding until they were duly prepared and ready.

Consequences, undesirable effects or negative results arising out of a lack of discernment about choices, decisions and actions, is a sign of immaturity or ignorance. Pain, grief misery and death are consequences, undesirable effects or negative result of bad behaviour and transgression.

The myths of ancient times have survived through the narratives of the symbolic Adam and Eve, the figurative building of King Solomon’s Temple, the mythological Greek Demeter and her daughter

Persephone, the allegory or parable of the Prodigal Son, the mythical death of Yahoshua the Nazarene and many others. These are all personifications of the individualised life force or cosmic energy generated out of that primordial incorruptible mother-earth.

Such an individualised life force, also called the “human spirit,” is affected by unruly desires, inferior pleasures, false tendencies, vanities and illusions of the degenerate existence. All these lead one towards bad choices, decisions and actions.

The goodness of the individualised life force, which is made out of “unhewn stone” or incorruptible raw material is restored to its original state and connection with the source through knowledge.

At procreative level, Gnostics leader Simon Magus says, “The terrestrial Paradise is the Womb, Eden the region surrounding it. The river which went out of Eden to water the garden is the Umbilical Cord: this Cord is divided into four heads, the streams that flowed out of it, the four canals that served to carry nutrition to the foetus, that is the two Arteries and the two Veins which are the channels for the blood and convey the breathing air; the unborn child is entirely enveloped by the Amnion (the membrane containing the amniotic fluid and enveloping the Embryo), fed through the Umbilical Cord and given vital air through the Aorta.” (“Philosophumena”, a Christian polemical work of the early third century considered to be the work of Hippolytus of Rome)
Alexander Cruden, “A Complete Concordance to the Holy Scripture”, 1737
Victoria Claflin Woodhull, “The Garden of Eden; or The Paradise Lost & Found”, 1890

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