The Sunday Mail

Granny kills neighbour

Linda Mzapi
A 63-year-old Chiundura woman in Gweru is facing murder charges after fatally striking her neighbour with a pestle over stray cattle. Letwin Garandiwa of Muteza Village under chief Gambiza has since appeared before a Gweru Magistrate. She pleaded guilty to the offense.

According to the state case, “On August 26, 2016 at around 1600 hours, the deceased Tinos Magedhi’s cattle strayed into Garandiwa’s garden before eating some crops.

“Upon being informed of the damage the cattle had caused, Garandiwa locked them in her yard before Magedhi came to apologise.

“While Magedhi was on his knees pleading with Garandiwa, the accused took a pestle and struck him once on the left side of the head, resulting in a serious injury.

“The deceased was taken to Chiundura Hospital where he was admitted before passing on the following morning.” A police report was made, leading to Garandiwa’s arrest.