The Sunday Mail

God’s sole right to be worshipped

Sunday Mail

Umari Stambuli Holy Qur’aan Speaks
ALLAH, God Almighty declares in the Holy Qur’aan: “O mankind, worship your Lord who has created you and those before you, that you may become righteous. It is He who has made the earth a resting-place for you and the sky a canopy, and has sent down water from the sky and thereby brought forth fruits for your sustenance.

Do not, then, claim that there is any power that could rival God, when you know,” (Ch 2 : v 21-22).

In these verses is the first commandment mentioned in the Holy Qur’aan, God Almighty proves the senselessness of worshipping others besides or instead of Him. He addresses humanity as a whole to direct all acts of worship to Him alone. He announces to them that He is their Creator, Sustainer, and Lord. Human beings did not appear out of nowhere, but rather God is the One who brought them into being out of nothingness.


God Almighty is the Sustainer

After their creation, God Almighty did not leave them on their own, rather He took care of them when they were in the womb of their mothers, and God has been caring for them throughout their life by providing for them various sources of sustenance. He created things in this life in such a way that they would be of benefit and comfort for mankind. Therefore, it is the Sole right of God – who created us and those who came before us – that He be worshipped, for it is He and none else who provided us these things.


All else is created

Everything apart from God, such as humans, angels, animals, insects, birds, fish, etcetera is all created by God Almighty. Thus, creation should not be adored and worshipped as God. No created being owns or controls anything in the universe and, therefore, can neither harm nor benefit without God Almighty’s permission. God Almighty asks us rhetorically, how can we worship other beings besides Him while we know deep inside that God Almighty has no equal or rival? Due to this, God Almighty, and none other, has the sole right to command and He, and none else, deserves our strict obedience. He deserves to be singled out in all acts of worship, without association of any partners.



We have to comprehend the fact that God Almighty does not benefit and is not in need of our worship, rather the worship we observe, as with all His other commandments, is of benefit to our own selves. When a person worships God Almighty, he is reminded about Him, and in turn reminded of the purpose of life, and will thus be discouraged from committing vain and evil deeds. These reminders lead to righteousness or God-consciousness. If a person achieves this state of being, they do or say nothing except that they keep in mind the true reality of that deed – is it pleasing to God Almighty or does it incur His anger.


Misconceptions about Muslims belief in Allah

Some of the biggest misconceptions that many non-Muslims have about Islam have to do with the word “Allah”. Somehow, many people have come to believe that Muslims worship a different God than Christians and Jews. This is totally false, since “Allah” is simply the Arabic name that “God” has informed us He is called – and there is only One God. Let there be no doubt – Muslims worship the God of Noah, Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus (peace be upon them all).

However, it is certainly true that Jews, Christians and Muslims all have different concepts of God Almighty. For example, Muslims, like Jews, reject the beliefs of the Trinity and the Divine Incarnation.

This, however, doesn’t mean that each of these three religions worship a different God – because, as we have already said, there is only One True God.

Islam teaches, however, that many others have, in one way or another, distorted and nullified a pure and proper belief in God Almighty by neglecting His true teachings and mixing them with man-made ideas.


For further information on Islam or a free copy of the Holy Qur’aan, please contact:

Majlisul Ulama Zimbabwe, Council of Islamic Scholars

Publications Department

P.O. Box W93, Waterfalls, Harare

Tel: 04-614078 / 614004, Fax : 04-614003
