The Sunday Mail

Getting to basics with the Lord’s message

A few weeks ago, Apostle Freshman Gwasira of Assigned Ministers Ministries International brought a prophetic word from the Lord, for our nation Zimbabwe, where he underlined that God is saying, “It’s time! It’s time to till the land.”  He added that God was saying “two sectors will give you plenty of money in the next season – agriculture and mining”.

After the publication of the prophetic word, Apostle Gwasira sent the writer some feedback from their ministry’s WhatsApp group and he also attached pictures of the attire he has been donning, to emphasize to his congregants that when the Lord speaks, it should not be business as usual, even the attire must reflect a people that is ready to go and till the land, in order to prosper the nation.

These were pictures far removed from the Apostle Gwasira who is always smartly dressed. He exchanged his designer suits for work suits, jungle boots and a hat to shield himself from the scorching heat. The pictures are self-explanatory, he is ready to till the land, even from the pulpit.

Dear reader, what is your take on this radical approach to the word of the Lord? Should this be the norm? What perceptions do suits and some of those Sunday best clothes we wear give? Are work suits for the pulpit? My reading was that Apostle Gwasira, by sending the feedback plus pictures from one of his services, wanted us to start a conversation around this issue – how a dress code can either be an enabler and or hindrance to achieving desired goals and objectives.

Send your comments and views on our website or to the email address at the bottom of the article. Meanwhile, below is the feedback from the leader of AMMI:

“I trust I find you well. Please see below an update of information published on the WhatsApp group concerning The Sunday Mail article. Please also find attached images of recent services, particularly after the release of the prophetic word.
The dress code for the service was work suits.

Apostle Freshman explained the dress code saying, “When you begin to walk ,dress and talk in the way you envision yourself, you allow that to manifest into reality, the spiritual controls the physical. Thus, everything around us must begin to mirror the progress that we are after: in this case, to partake in tilling the land.”

Moreover, the man of God is purposefully dressed in not just any work suit, but a blue one because of the significance of the colour. Blue symbolises wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth and heaven. It is often associated with depth and stability. Colour Wheel Pro, 2016).

On wisdom, in such a season as this that we have been brought into full knowledge of, we are being brought up to par with the sons of Issachar who had an awareness of the seasons and thus knew what they ought to do. (1 Chronicles 12:32 ) Confidence – Amos 3: 7 teaches us that God does nothing without revealing to his servants, the prophets.

Apostle Freshman elucidated upon this saying before all else, God brought him into “confidence” concerning the season of prosperity through agriculture and mining.

“All this, said David, the Lord made me understand in writing by His hand upon me, even all the works of this pattern.” (1 Chronicles 28:19) Whatsapp group information concerning the prophecy and The Sunday Mail article: God bless you! As God revealed to His vessel Apostle Freshman what we ought to do in this season concerning our prosperity (agriculture and mining), he has been continously admonishing the citizens of Zimbabwe to act: “Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.” (2 Chronicles 20:20)

So paramount is the word he released that even the national newspaper saw it fit and of great importance to publish this. In the article, Apostle Freshman highlights that in this season, minerals will be found at the surface, with no hassle at all. Just like his previous prophecy in 2000, signs have already begun to follow and confirm the Word of the Servant of God! (Isaiah 44:26)
In 2000, Apostle Freshman had a vision of diamonds being discovered in Zimbabwe.

Not very long after this prophetic word, Zimbabwe experienced tremors (earthquakes). What many of you might not know is that earthquakes cause a shift in the arrangement of rock formations, minerals and ore deposits. There are many technical details involved in this, but what is of importance is that this change in arrangement results in minerals and metallic rich deposits being brought closer to the surface of the earth, making them easy to mine and collect! After the first tremor, the Man of God, further elaborated that it held significance to the discovery of diamonds.

As if that is not enough, as soon as the information of this present season was released to the entire world on September 4, 2016, reports of Zimbabwe experiencing tremors on September 22 have been widely published, which means that to those who are in mining, they should be expectant of the coming to pass of the Word.

To us, God is using the earthquake to release some deposits of precious stones. It is important that you read this profoundly relevant and revelatory message! This is the key to our prosperity.”