The Sunday Mail

Freedom through truth, knowledge

Shingai Rukwata Ndoro Chiseling TheDebris

READING and interpreting Scriptures literally and historically makes them unreliable and dangerously false. This column has shown that it’s a lie that the consequences of truth and knowledge in Genesis 3:6 made humanity experience suffering, hardships and death. The literalist Christian is

tied to this dogmatic position that redemption out of this misery is the “great promise and hope” of Pauline and Roman Christianity.

This kind of Christianity is based on the mythical Greek figure “Iesous” the “Christos” (translated to “Jesus the Christ”), disconnected and detached from the life and teachings of Yahoshua the Nazarene.

This has been a subject matter of this column. The literalist narrative is “a form of mind control, manipulating the audience via two common fears; the fear of the unknown and the fear of death.

By employing these fears in conjunction with one another, in the warning, the creators and administrators of these myths have had a high level of success in not only maintaining their flocks, but gaining new converts, who do not wish to gamble against such certain claims.

It comes down to a simple carrot and stick incentive scheme. Join and follow us, believe as we believe and you will live forever in bliss.

Refuse to submit to both us and our god, and you will die horribly and suffer an eternity of torment. Thus, the function of the warning in Christianity is to gain and maintain converts, it is that simple”. (

Figuratively, the acquisition of liberating and experiential knowledge should be a cause for celebration because it takes humanity out of the miserable life of darkness and ignorance to a transformative life of consciousness and knowledge.

The real “fall” (state of ignorance and darkness) was the prohibition order by the insecure and vulnerable divine figure (Genesis 2:17), which had reduced humanity to be an unquestioning, subservient, uncritical minded and submissive creature under an arbitrary and absolute authority.

“The sin of Eve, so the orthodox tell us, was that she listened to the serpent, who persuaded her that the fruit of the tree would make her and Adam wise, without any deleterious side-effects. ‘What sort is he then, this God?’

“Then come some of the answers to the rhetorical question. The motive of the creator in punishing Adam was envy, for the creator envied Adam, who by eating the fruit would acquire knowledge (gnosis).

Neither did the creator seem quite omniscient when he asked of Adam: ‘Where are you?’ “The creator has shown himself repeatedly to be ‘an envious slanderer,’ a jealous God, who inflicts cruel punishments on those who transgress his capricious orders and commandments.

The treatise comments: ‘But these are the things he said (and did) to those who believe in him and serve him.’ The implication clearly presents itself that with a God like this, one needs no enemies.” (Stephan A Hoeller, “The Genesis Factor”)

The dissent against that prohibition order symbolised by “eating of the fruit” (Genesis 3:6) was a realisation and an awakening of consciousness. This was necessary so that humanity could acquire liberating and experiential knowledge to be able to discern to discriminate between good (consciousness or light and knowledge) and evil (lack of consciousness and ignorance).

To the displeasure of those who hate women, it took a feminine urge, energy or power to respond positively to the “serpentine” wisdom to express resentment and revulsion to a benumbed, drunk or sleepy masculinity. The masculine figure blamed the feminine energy instead of being grateful towards it for being freed from the bondage of an oppressive divine figure.

Bondage, subjugation and unquestioning submission, obedience, compliance and subservience to authority is promoted and defended by literalist religious authorities as a virtue so that humanity remains in darkness and ignorance.

Literalist religious authorities present the feminine principle and power as evil against humanity yet they both assisted in the removal of ignorance and made the liberating and experiential knowledge connect us to the source of life so that we grow, radiate and bloom.

We should escape from mental bondage through consciousness and knowledge so that we are like the Divine. “Behold the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:22).

It is inherent, our real purpose of life and a natural urge to shake off confinement, bondage, tyranny and oppression for truth, knowledge and freedom. Even a plant grows in the direction of light without instruction. The dynamic feminine creative and innovative urge evolves and raises up the masculine willpower into higher reality of the “kingdom within”.

In the quest for the knowledge of the self, the “devil” is the limitation of the mind within us as the resisting and conflictual tension one has to overcome. It works like the force of gravity that forces us downwards.

We can live well and happily by the rectitude of our conduct, sense of justice and honest intentions. Each person “will be rewarded according to his/her own labour” through realising human agency and causative power.

When humans became conscious and acquired liberating and experiential knowledge (Genesis 3:6), they woke up, “eyes were opened” and were able to see themselves as having been ignorant compliant creatures reduced into “Lesser Divinities”. (Genesis 2:17)

After acquiring such knowledge, humans realised that they were actually Higher Divinities (“Father-Mother”), itself a psychological and biological condition. (Genesis 3:22). Humans realised that after having been condemned into becoming “Lesser Divinities”, they were under the control of a tyrannical and harsh male divine figure.

By acquiring liberating knowledge, humans freed themselves from being of ignorance, vanity and perversion. These make one to sink into negativity, wickedness and criminality.

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