The Sunday Mail

EASTER FOCUS: Feasts of Israel

The Feasts of Israel hold very important truths about Jesus, the Holy Spirit, prophesy, the Church and much more (1 Corinthians 10:11).

Feasts were object lessons that pointed to tremendous truths and historical facts about God’s deliverance of His people. To celebrate these feasts is to put “history in motion” concerning the history of Israel.

These feasts were family-centred, bringing the family together for the purpose of commemorating certain great spiritual events and mighty deliverances which God granted to the children of Israel.

A beautiful drama of redemption as well as a powerful revelation of the person and work of Jesus Christ. Three times a year the people came before God through His Feasts.

The three major feasts of Israel are Passover, Pentecost and Tabernacles. These contain special feasts within them, making a total of seven feasts. Part of the Passover celebration were the Feasts of Unleavened and First Fruits. Along with Tabernacles were the feasts of Trumpets and Atonement also celebrated.

The configuration of these feasts represents the Menorah or the seven pronged candlestick. The Feast of Passover took place in the first month known as Nisan or Abib, the Feast of Pentecost took place in the third month (Sivan)and the Feast of Tabernacles took place in the seventh month (Tishri or Ethanim).

The first month represents the Unity of the Godhead, the third month represents the tri-unity of God and the seventh month represents the number of completion or finality.

These were given to a redeemed people from the bondage of slavery (Exodus 19:4, Psalm 148:14), a people who were near to God.

The gentiles were not allowed to participate unless “converted” to the Jewish faith and become a proselyte to the faith of Israel in the one true God. In the New Testament, the believer in Christ becomes a spiritual Israel or the Covenant People, the redeemed from the slavery of sin (Ephesians 2:11-13).

All males were to keep the feasts. This was considered as the head of the household, and thus represented the whole “Household.” It was a call to obedience since it’s a temptation for the woman to usurp authority over the man (Genesis 3:16).

The feasts were to be conducted in a place, appointed by the Lord and this would be Jerusalem, the City of God.

It was here that the festivals would find a “Home”, and there that the people of Israel came to celebrate the feasts. In the New Testament, the believer may now worship and celebrate the Lord wherever they are (John 4:24). The way to God in these feasts was through the spilling of the blood of specific animals (Exodus 12:13, Leviticus 17:11)

The Feast of Passover:

The Feast of Passover is celebrated as a memorial to the great deliverance that God gave to Israel when they were coming out of the Egyptian bondage (Exodus 13:3& 14).

The instructions to Moses concerning the means of deliverance, became the foundation for the celebration of the Passover Feast (Exodus 12:12). Passover is a memorial of the protecting power of the blood of the Lamb from the death angel who was to pass over the land.

The angel passed over and brought death to the homes without blood. The Power of God hovered over the blood covered homes’ in divine protection. Therefore the judgment and the mercy of God are seen in the picture of the Passover.

General characteristics of the

Passover Feast

The feast marked the beginning of months of Israel, also the foundational experience of their relationship with God (John 3:5) (II Cor 5:17).

It points to the regeneration of the believer who has faith in God. The believer is given the new birth or a new beginning through Jesus Christ,the Lamb of God.

The lamb was hidden for four days to examine it. (Exodus 12:3-6) (Matt 22:15-24) (Luke 19:37)

The lamb was to be the firstborn (Exodus 11:4-7; Exodus 12:5, 29-30) (Rev 3:14) (Col 1:15) (Rom 8:29)

The lamb was to be male (Exodus 12:5) (Rom 5:12-21)

The lamb was to be without spot or blemish (Exodus 12:5) (I Pet 1:18-20). Witnesses to the “Purity of the man Jesus were Pilate(John 18:28 &38, John 19:4-6), Herod (Luke 23:8 – 12), Annas (Luke 3:2, John 18:13 & 24), Judas (Matthew 27:3-10), the Centurion (Matthew 27:54), Repentant Thief (Luke 23-39-43) and Caiphas (John 11:49-53,18:13-14).

The lamb was to be slain in the evening (Exodus 12:6).

The whole assembly shall kill the lamb (Exodus 12:6,John 19:15,Romans 5:6-8,Matthew 27:4 & 25,Luke 23:23,Mark 15:33).

The blood of the slain was to be applied to the doorpost (Exodus 12:7,13,22, John 3:16-19, 1 John 1:9; 2:1, Revelations 12:10-11).

The body of the lamb was to be eaten (Exodus 12:11, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Hebrews 11:10-16, 1 Peter 1:13; 2:11, John 6:53-55, 19:29, 1 Corinthians 5:7-8, 11:23-30).

The Passover was commanded to be a memorial celebration: (Exodus 12:14) (Matthew 26:26-28)

The ones who are to participate in the feast are those who are called the “Church” or the “Believer” who have experienced a personal Passover in Salvation (Exodus 4:22-23, Hebrew 12:22-24, 2 Corinthians 5:6-8)

Passover Represents

A memorial to the great deliverance of Israel from bondage and slavery.

Our Passover is a memorial to the great deliverance at Calvary “It is finished”

There is safety from the Judgment of God against sin in the household of faith – spared the judgment through the sprinkled blood on the door posts.

Deliverance from the Egyptians of the Hebrews – the creation of two spiritual races: the saved and the damned (Romans 3:22 & 10:12)

Represents the “Spoiling of the Egyptians (Exodus 12:31-36; 40-42).The Hebrews were able to take the Jewels of the Egyptians, the silver, gold and raiment Christ “spoiled the principalities and powers in His triumph on the Cross” (Colossians 2:15) (Isaiah 53:12,Psalm 68:18,Ephesians 4:8-10).


Information on the Feasts of Israel has been provided by Reverend Titus Murefu of Apostolic Faith Mission in Zimbabwe.






Passover provides “healing in the Lamb (Psalm 105:37). No feeble or sick person was found in that Hebrew people. The Lord healed the people as Hezekiah restored the “Feast of Passover” back to the nation of Israel (2 Chronicles 30:13-20)

Eight major references to the Passover

. The original passover (Exodus12).

. The second Passover as they were setting up the Tabernacle of the Lord(Numbers 9:1-5).

. The Passover at the end of the Wilderness journey(Joshua 5:10 – 11).

. The Passover in the second month under Hezekiah (2 Chronicles 30).

. The great Passover kept under king Josiah (2 Kings 23:21-23).

. The Passover restored under Ezra (Ezra 6:19).

. The Passover (Leviticus 23:6,Matthew 26:17).

Scripture References: Exodus 12:1-14, 21 – 29, Leviticus 23:4-5,Numbers 33:3,Deuteronomy 16:1-8,Matthew 26:1-2, 26:17 – 75,27:1-66,Mark 14-15,Luke 22-23,I Corinthians 5:7,Hebrews 11:28


Information on the Feasts of Israel has been provided by Reverend Titus Murefu of Apostolic Faith Mission.