The Sunday Mail

Divide your home in harmony

WITH more people shifting from suburban homes to uptown lofts, designers are inspired to make the most of space-conscious projects. Acquiring a loft is like giving yourself a clean canvas, which gives you the flexibility to introduce a whirlwind of ideas. Because there are no concrete rooms in a loft, wall partitions will enable you to transition from one area to another, while still preserving a good level of privacy. Here are some excellent ideas that will transform your home into a microcosmic realm of splendor and lavishness.

Ideas in the third dimension
The beauty of wall partitions lies solely in their design. These segmenting structures complement bordering walls by introducing more energy and aesthetics to the room.

While wall partitions are meant to serve an architectural purpose, they can also be used as an artistic backdrop, which, depending on the design, can enhance the overall ambiance and charm of the home. Symbolic in style, a white rock-inspired wall partition can make reference to the outdoors, but in an abstract and contemporary way.

Assign two purposes to each room
The remarkable trait of wall partitions is that they allow you to create a room within a room. You can divide up the master bedroom into a stand-alone dressing room or sitting area, and not even take notice that there is a bed just a few steps away. Hosting guests in a more intimate gathering is easier when you do not need to make an extra effort to tidy things up.

Blocking off personal space from guests, the wall partition design adds versatility to an already gorgeous room. The bold and elegant appearance of a marble wall quickly makes it the centerpiece.

Moveable wall partitions are an added bonus to the room. Attach a television set onto the wall and you can enjoy some entertainment in any area of the room. Instead of awkwardly positioning yourself to find the perfect viewing angle, you can move the TV to accommodate your needs.

Weaving extra style into the living room
The bigger the room, the bigger the need for smart design techniques to bring the room together. Again, we see a dual purpose for wall partitions.

Fireplaces can be embedded into the wall itself to create a modern and cozy communal setting. There is also a nice transition between the living room and any adjacent room – be it the dining room or foyer.

Privacy in the living room
You can box off a part of the room and use the space for a personal office or storage area, which will prove to be a necessary addition to your home. Everyone needs some quiet and personal time.

But designating a whole separate room just to fit that purpose might not be something you want to do. So placing wall partitions in a spacious corner of your living room will ultimately satisfy your needs, and help you avoid a hefty remodeling bill. –