The Sunday Mail

Conversation with a Heavenly Daddy

The cover page of the book ‘Conversations with Heavenly Daddy

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SUPPOSE you could ask God the most puzzling questions of our existence: questions about love, faith, life, death, good and evil.

Suppose God provided clear, understandable answers as potrayed in budding author Vimbai Ashley Mashavave’s book “Conversation with Heavenly Daddy”.

Mashavave uses her personal experiences to try help all people enjoy their relationship with God and live victoriously as desired by their “Heavenly Daddy”.

With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Mashavave spent the majority of her life thriving professionally, forgetting to search for spiritual meaning.

But a deepening relationship with God changed priorities, and now she has written “Conversation with Heavenly Daddy”, which contains an interesting dialogue between the author and the Creator. I was skeptical when I first laid hands on the book and I still have many questions unanswered.

That is no fault of the author. Given the opportunity, we would all have different questions to ask God. Where I do have an issue with the author is that I still do not understand whether the structuring of the book relates to God visiting her in dreams or if she experienced visions.

Another thing that perplexed me, in the first pages, is how the author distances the Devil from her problems.

Mashavave’s conversation, I believe, is meant for the billions of people who believe in a Creator and reach a point when misfortunes happen without explanation.

Simply attributing those troubles to chance or some form of statistical likelihood is unsatisfactory for people in times of need.

That said, I found myself questioning, at times laughing, and then critically reflecting upon passages of the New King James version of the Holy Bible which the author uses. Texts such as Philippians 4:6 (“Do not be anxious about anything…”) give strength when doubts set in. I have always had questions as to why some prayers are not answered, and Mashavave tackles this issue quite well.

On the whole, while I did not immediately connect to some of the conversations in the book, on reflection they gave some sort of delayed gratification.