The Sunday Mail

College alumni hosts diner in Ignatian month

Margaret Mikiri —
FORMER students of St Ignatius College will next week get together at a dinner event which falls in the month dedicated to celebrate the life of St Ignatius of Loyola, a Jesuit whose name the college was named after.

St Ignatius of Loyola was a Spanish soldier who converted from a life of knighthood to being a soldier for Christ. He was declared a saint of the Catholic Church in 1622 and his feast day is celebrated on July 31, the day he died.

He founded and inspired the growth of the Society of Jesus, popularly known as the Jesuits. The Jesuits are a religious group of Catholic brothers and priests, who consider education an utmost priority in the development of a society and individuals.

St Ignatius College Alumni Association chairperson, Mr William Mandinde, said the purpose of the dinner is to set up a coherent alumni networking platform which can raise money for the maintenance and development of infrastructure at St Ignatius College.

“The Alumni is on a drive to harness all former students into a special purpose vehicle, which will always be available for the betterment of the school.”

St Ignatius College is a boarding school located in the outskirts of Harare, in Chishawasha.

Some of the infrastructural development projects include renovations of the chapel, the hall’s ceiling and several ageing infrastructure that has existed since the college’s establishment in 1962.

The college recently recorded an impressive pass rate with more than 30 out of 76 students scoring above 12 As on their Ordinary Level examinations.

The purpose of the college as stated by its official website, is: “to educate a total human being (holistic education), that is; intellectual, spiritual, physical, emotional and social.”

“We are very clear and firm in principles as per our vision. We strive continually towards magis in every field. Our goal is to educate leaders in service, men and women for others. Our life and activities are inspired by Christian faith and values.”

St Ignatius College Alumni website:>